7- look out small humans

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"What did you say to West?" Greyson asked Kim while she floated peacefully in the pool.

"I have no idea what you mean." She said refusing to open her eyes.

"I mean, he said that you were being mean when he picked you up last night." Greyson said demanding an explanation.

"I wouldn't say I was mean. I mean, I barely know the guy." She said simply as if that were an explanation for her behavior.

"Bull shit! You have known him since you were like what? Three?" He stood there staring at her and she refused to acknowledge that she had been rude.

"So? I haven't seen him in years." She shrugged trying to play innocent but meanwhile her thoughts were screaming and her heart was racing.

"You can't just be a bitch to MY best friend because you think you are too cool for him now or something!" Grey was on the verge of yelling.

"I would never. He must have been confused." She tried to sound nonchalant.

"I knew you had a problem with him." Greyson said sounding frustrated, probably by her attitude more than anything.

"My only problem is him tattle taling to my big brother that I wasn't all warm and cozy. Tell him I apologize if I hurt his feelings. It was never my intention to be rude." Kim said diplomatically.

"Why is it when ever he is in the picture you get all weird?" Greyson snapped.

"Sorry, Grey. I know he is your friend. I will try to be nice." She said finally looking at him.

"Thank-you that's all I ask." He said before turning to go back inside.

"To his face." She said under her breath to her brother's back.

"What?" He called over.

"Let me know when dinner is ready!" She called back.

"Sure." He nodded and went in and closed the door.

She had no intentions of needing to worry about West telling on her ever again. She had no plans on ever being alone with him.

The warmth of the sun relaxed her so much she had started to doze off when she heard the loud voices of rambunctious boys getting closer.

Jack was home from school and he had company. Her serene floating was about to turn into a pre-teen hurricane.

"CANNON BALL!" A young voice yelled before she was splashed by a wave of inconsiderateration.

"Dude! Get out!" She yelled at the kid as soon as his head popped up beside her. "Jack, what are the pool rules?" She demanded glaring at her little brother.

"Uh, I uh..." He looked embarrassed.

"No splashing people who don't want to be spashed or you loose your pool privileges. So you, little jerk, get out of my pool." She knew logically that she was being incredibly unreasonable, and taking out her feelings of frustration at West on this kid who likely didn't know better. But she couldn't stop herself. It was like she was watching a movie of herself acting like a total bitch but was completely powerless to change it.

"Kiiiimmm!" Jack whined at her. She slid off the floating and swam to the edge and hoisted herself up.

"And besides who is watching you guys?" She looked around for an adult as she grabbed a towel off the rack beside the back door.

"MOM said you and Grey would be home so if it was OK with you, I could have a few friends over for a swim." He said lookingbat his friends who were all now standing around looking uncomfortable.

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