5 - bad mood ninja

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"MOM! I'm bored!" Jack said for the tenth time.

"Then find something to do." His mom replied simply.

"But I want to go to Arlen's house!" He whined.

"I have already told you no. Do not bring it up again." She replied simply.

"I have to go mom, I will be back after dinner." Kim said looking out the window and seeing Aneese pull into the driveway.

"Why does she get to go?" Jack stomped his foot.

"I am going to work. Get a job and you won't have to stay home." Kim teased.

"It's not fair!" Jack yelled angrily.

Their mom folded down the edge of the newspaper she was reading to give him a silent look.

"Good LUCK with that!" Kim said before leaving the house.

Kim waved at Aneese.

"Let's go lady!" Aneese said when Kim slid into the seat.

"We have plenty of time." Kim said pointing to the clock on the car's display.

"But I want to grab go-go juice before work." She grinned.

"You and your coffee, I'm surprised you don't fly away from all that caffeine." Kim teased.

"It calms me in a world full of chaos." Aneese grinned.

They arrived at the back of the store in the employee parking lot with time to spare.

"Oh! I can't drive you home tonight! I totally forgot!" Aneese said turning to look at Kim apologetically.

"Boo, why not?" Kim asked.

"I have to pick up Bean on the other side of town for seven, I forgot that I had switched the second half of my shift with Malcolm." Aneese shook her head.

"That's OK I'm sure my mom can come get me or what ever. What is Bean up to?" Kim asked pulling out her phone to text her mom.


Kim stood inside the shop waiting to see her mom's car. She had finished all of her duties in record time.

"Waiting on your ride still?" Malcolm asked as he came into the stock room.

"Yeah, I'm surprised, my mom isn't usually late. If anything she comes an hour early and sits in the parking lot." Kim said.

"Well if she isn't here in the next ten I can drop you at home. That's no problem." He smiled.

Kim liked Malcolm, he was probably close to seventy but had a good sense of humor and was sweet.

"Thanks, oh! I see her. Thanks Malcolm, tell Jen I said good night!" She waved and let herself out the door.

She opened the door with out looking and climbed in the passenger seat.

"Thanks for picking me-" She stopped in her tracks. Her mom was not sitting behind the wheel.

In the dim light of the back of the buildings she could make out the large shape of a man and felt her heart leap in her chest before recognition took over.

"Grey!? What are you doing here?" Kim asked shocked to see her older brother.

"Surprised?" He laughed.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She smacked his arm the way only siblings did.

"I told mom I would come get you." He laughed.

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