22- I can't be here

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"You are crazy." Kim said rolling his eyes at Greyson.

"Until these lunatics are caught, you won't be alone." He said staring out the windshield.

"But you don't have to drive me to school." She laughed. "Ane could drive me, or mom."

"It's fine, I had to go to work." He shrugged. "And don't even think of leaving on your own. One of us will come get you." He warned.

"I will be fine!" She insisted.

"Not a chance. Both your big brothers are back in town and I will be damned if we don't protect you." He said gruffly.

"Westley is NOT my brother!" She said sharply.

"He might as well be! He has been looking out for you with me since you were like three on the playground." He scoffed.

"That doesn't make us related." She said.

"Well I am putting him on brother duty weather you like it or not." He snapped.

"What has gotten into you?" She asked.


"Oh yeah, seems like it." She said sarcastically.

"It's nothing. Sorry." Grey said looking angry. He pulled into the school parking lot and parked.

"I am not getting out of this car until you tell me what this is all about." She said waving her hand around his face.

"It's nothing really!" He huffed.

"NOTHING doesn't come in that flavour." She said and tried to cross her arms. "Ouch." She whispered and glared at her arms.

"THAT! THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG!" Greyson yelled pointing.

"My arms?" She was confused.

"Yes your arms!" He said. "When we weren't around you were doing fine but we both come home for the first time in like two years and we can't protect you from THAT?" He said angrily.

"What does you being home have to do with anything at all?" She asked.

"But we made a pact years ago that we wouldn't let any loosers near you. At the time we meant guys and bullies, but I guess it extends to kidnapping pranksters as well." He told her.

"It isn't your job to protect me!" She laughed dryly.

"Yeah it is, since dad left it is up to me now." He said like she was foolish if she didn't already know that.

"Grey, I love that you want to protect me, but no one could have done anything about this. I was around like a hundred people and they still found a way to get to me." She shrugged. She made it sound like it wasn't a big deal even though she was secretly greatful for his presence and how much he cared.

"Well one of us is going to be with you at least until those lunatics are behind bars!" He said crossing his arms.

"Ok! OK. I get it." She sighed.

"You can be with Aneese, Mom or any of your Brothers. Everyone else is a suspect." He warned.

"Still not my brothers!" She laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Yep, still not listening. West has been around longer than Jack. He is your brother." Grey said.

Kim hopped out of the car and waved. Grey seemed grumpy and very insistent that she see West as her brother.

He waved and then watched as she entered the building.

Her mind instantly went to the feeling of being trapped. The smells of the school triggered a panic. She looked around wildly at the laughing and smiling students as they rushed around her.

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