17- the theater saboteur

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The first performance of a show is always nerve-wracking. Kim had all of her crew arrive an hour early so they would have time to settle in, use the washroom, get a snack and she could address them. She wore her black track pants with a thin black hoodie like the rest of her crew.

"Ok troops! This is the real deal. Everyone should know down to the minute where they need to be and what they need to be doing yes?" She looked around for nodding heads. "Perfect. I will be available on the head set if anyone needs me. The alterations stations are for QUICK FIX problems only! Do not clog them up with issues beyond their control or used items. All used wardrobe can go in the labeled bins once we are done with them. Props, you guys know what to do with your stuff. I believe in you guys, we are going to have a great show." She felt her nerves vibrate with tension.

"It's only the student showing." She over heard one of the youngest crew members say as they went to take their positions.

Kim's face showed that she was about to rage.

"I got this." Aneese assured her. "HEY JUNIOR!" She called after the kid and took off to correct him before Kim had a nervous breakdown.

"Show times by the clock people!" Kim yelled to remind them to be checking the time.


The show was running smoothly and Kim was anxious that it was about to fall apart. No show ran with out hiccups.

Aneese stayed back stage helping and directing the stage crew. Kim stayed in the drama room wardrobe area helping where ever she was needed.

"Kim?" A hushed voice came over the head set.

"Go ahead." She responded.

"The chairs are missing." A shakey voice said.

"What chairs?" She asked confused momentarily.

"The CHAIRS!  For the Cafe scene!" The crew member whispered harshly.

"Can you rearrange the tables a little? Use the chairs you have?" Kim asked.

"The chairs are MISSING, ALL OF THEM!" The voice sounded panicked.

"Shit! Time?" She asked.

"Six?" The voice replied.

"All standby crew, all stand by crew. We need twelve chairs to the back stage entrance in four, twelve chairs to the back door in FOUR minutes." Kim called loudly opening the mic up to all channels.

She rushed out the back exit of the drama room to see students in black scurrying down the halls.

"Where are the Cafe chairs? They were all their last night!" Kim asked but got no response.

"Chairs incoming!" A voice called down the hall. The two stage hands dragged the classroom chairs to the door where Kim handed them off with one minute to spare.

"Go make a note where those need to get returned to, and to find the actual Cafe chairs!" She directed a girl huffing and puffing from running.

"Cafe scene a go." She heard Aneese say, making her shoulders relax. Kim looked around as the crew returned to their stations.

She turned to go find a moment to sit and check her list and timelines. She sat on the edge of her favorite chair in the lounge and took a giant gulp of her now Luke warm Iced coffee.

They were a little over half way done. She checked in with each lead for a status update and asked that all items were checked and accounted for before they were needed.

She had thought that was why they had done a full dress rehearsal the night before, but apparently she had missed something somewhere.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she jumped, her nerves were frazzled and she wasn't expecting it.

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