19- Not so Perfect Now

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Kim grabbed her top and ran down the path that lead away from the gazebo around the back of the garden. She was lucky that the bushes were tall and full and hid her escape flawlessly.

"Hey!" West called walking back to the pool area.

"What were you doing in the garden?" Grey asked. "And where is Kim?" His voice sounded loud and firm.

Kim could hear her brother, and he sounded like he was about to accuse West of something. She secured her swim suit top as she moved.

"I can't find it!" She yelled as she stepped out of the garden on the opposite side of the pool from where West stood. "Grey! Do you know where that big beach ball went? Last I saw it it had gotten thrown back into the garden." She took the attention off West quickly.

Grey looked from one to the other and seemed to relax.

"It's in the shed." He replied.

"Oh, excellent! Thanks. Now you two are in for it! Come on Annese, let's grab it." Kim moved across the patio and Aneese moved to join her.

"Dude! That was close! You two need to be more careful if you don't want to get caught." Aneese said quietly and bumped Kim's shoulder.

"Yeah, I told West we need to tell Grey, but I think he is scared." Kim whispered. 

"I don't think Grey is going to like the idea very much." Aneese nodded.

"Why do you say that?" Kim asked getting the ball from the pool shed.

"He may have asked if you were seeing anyone." Aneese admitted.

"What? Why would he ask you?" Kim asked surprised.

"I don't know, but when I said 'no', he seemed like he didn't believe me. He also asked if you were excited to see West." Aneese said shrugging and taking the ball while Kim secured the shed door.

"And what did you say?" Kim asked worried that Grey was mad at her.

"I said you hadn't really mentioned him." Aneese said.

"Hmm. I wonder why he was asking you." Kim pondered out loud.

"I mean I can honestly say, there is chemistry between you two. I don't know if I notice because I know..." She shrugged.

"Ugh, Ok. Hopefully he forgets all about it." Kim shrugged back.

"Yeah, maybe." Aneese nodded.


"How is this the final performance?" One of the stage crew asked Kim as she arrived.

"Seems like just yesterday we were opening the closet doesn't it?" Someone else commented.

"And then we almost lost everything to the vandalism!" A third person entered the conversation.

"There will be time to reminis at the wrap party tomorrow night." Kim said waving her clip board at the gathering crowd with a smile.

They all smiled and went to find their assigned locations. Hair and make-up were in full swing and the dull roar of people filled the room.

"Coffee!" Aneese said appearing out of no where with an Iced coffee.

"Have I ever told you that you were magic?" Kim said greatfully accepting the gift.

"I'm not sure. Do it now." Aneese beamed at her friend.

"You are magic." Kim obliged bowing her head slightly.

"A-Thank-you I know." Aneese bowed dramatically.

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