18- nice swim suit

3 0 0

K- swim tonight?

A- what time? Dad is home at 7

K- 7 is good. G picked me up from school and brought W with him.

A- nice! Wait why are you wanting me along?

K- I need a distraction.

A- from your super hot boyfriend?

K- ever try not to flirt with your super hot boyfriend because your super protective brother is watching and would NOT be pleased?

A- every Tuesday at three

K- shut up!  My house 7. Save me!

A- yes, save you from the sexy guy who wants to eat your face. Boo. Poor you.

K- I will wing woman Hailey or Hannah or any other humanoid you fancy, if you help me by being my un-wing woman...

A- OR I could be on team distract the brother while you make out with his super hot best friend. What ever. I'm up for the game.

K- you are the best!

Kim sat in the back seat behind West as they drove home. She was feeling spicy so she kicked off her shoe and slid her foot in the crack between his seat and the door, where Grey couldn't see. She just wanted to touch West any way she could.  West grabbed her foot and held it rubbing his thumb over her her sock covered toes. The sensation was oddly erotic sending a current straight up her leg.

"Should we stop for food? We have to get Jack to." Greyson asked.

"What time do we have to get him?" Kim asked.

"Six?" He said.

"Then yeah, we definitely have time to pick up something to take home." Kim said. "I invited Aneese over for a swim at seven."

"Cool." Grey nodded.

West and Grey went back to talking about work and Kim sat back and entertained herself by rubbing West with her foot.


After dinner Kate went to go change into a swim suit before Aneese arrived. She needed a break from being around West, around Grey. She had to watch everything she said and did, where she was looking and not appearing to be too weird.

W- you ok? Need any help?

K- shut up!

W- why are you being mean?

K-  why are you being all hot and stuff when my brother is around.?

W- I have no idea what you mean! I am just an innocent visitor.

K- yeah? Well two can play that game!

Kim was determined to get to him. Challenge accepted. She dug to the bottom of her drawer where she had the string bikini she had bought on a whim at the beach last year at Aneese's encouraging.

Oh she could get his attention.

She changed before she lost her nerve. She covered up with a floral sun dress and grabbed a towel. She was going to go make sure West got the show of his life.

This might actually be fun. She wasn't normally so confident, but for some reason as shaken as West made her feel, she was still strong and confident.

A- pulling in, need to change.

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