Proud *fluff*

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Warnings: Just fluff. Reader eats a piece of candy from Xavier's kiss at the end? Hope that makes sense. Reader calls Xavier 'Vee' Reader gets called baby and good girl at the end once.

Word count: 863


"Finally." You huff throwing yourself gently onto Xavier's bed. He wasn't too far behind you.

Today was the last day of exams and you couldn't be happier. The stress of them was too much and Xavier could tell. "How're you feeling? I know today was hard."

"Tired. I tried so hard and I hope it was good enough. I'm glad to get rid of that stress but now I have to worry about whether or not I did well."

He looks down and smiles at you comfortingly before moving to lie beside you and facing you.

"It was good enough. I know that your mind will try to convince you otherwise but trust me when I say you did. You tried your best and that's everything. No matter the outcome I'm proud of you. Nothing and I mean nothing will change that." He explains back voice quiet and smooth.

"Vee-. I don't have the energy to cry right now."

"Aw, baby it's just the truth. I've seen the amount of effort you put into studying. You stayed up extra hours so many times just to memorize the answer to a question. You declined plans with others just for extra practice. You did it."

"But thank you for sticking with me through it. I know I got aggravated at times and had an attitude some nights but you were always so easy on me."

"Because I saw the stress you were under and I completely understand how you felt. No need to thank me for it, I'll always be here. I'm never giving up on you."

You nuzzle into his hold and he goes to cuddle you closer now on his back with you laying your head on his chest.

"Can we just lay here for a while now?"

"Yea of course. However long you want I'll stay here."

"Not going to leave?"

"Nope. Unless Ajax goes screaming through the halls again and I have to check on him."

At his words, you laugh and nuzzle into him. "There's that laugh." He happily says hearing your laugh for the first time in a hot minute.

"Did we ever find out why he did that last time?"

"Yeah but I'll tell you that story later. Oh, how about I take you out to Weathervane tomorrow? I know it's the main cafe but we rarely go."

"Sounds good. Can we stop for candy before?"

"We can. For now let's get some rest, yea?" He says rubbing your back.


The next day he helped you get dressed complimenting everything as always and making you smile.

Now you're on the way to Weathervane to get whatever you want. But not before stopping for candy which you of course had to remind Xavier of.

"Don't forget the candy." He chuckled at your words and kissed your head. "Never did. We'll get you some."

Walking into the candy shop the smell of sweets filled your senses. It all smelt amazing. "Remember to get whatever you liked."

You ended up leaving with a few more pieces than expected but he insisted on getting whatever you stared at for too long.

Now you're at Weathervane sitting in a booth waiting for your drink Xavier sitting across from you.

"Remember when you worked here for that day?" You questioned him.

"Yea let's not talk about that. Wasn't my favorite day."

"Should be. You looked good in the apron."

"Haha alright, I should've expected that. You think I look good in everything."

"Because you do! In everything and nothing." You whisper the last part.

"Ok, alright your drink is coming."

"Here you go." The waiter cautiously slid your drink to you and walks off.

You both start talking about anything that randomly pops into your mind while you sip on your drink. "When we're down in town I have something to show you in the shed."

"Did you paint something again?"

"Mhm, I had a dream about a place, you'll love it."

"I don't doubt it. It's your work."

He smiles before getting up to now sit beside you with the bag of candy. "Would you like some now?" "Yes, please. Sounds good."

Reaching for the candy he just opened you stop in place when he moves it away from you. He has a certain look when you look straight at him questioningly. He's smirking.

"If you want it you have to let me kiss you. I'll transfer it to you."

"Are you sure nobody's watching though?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay. Can I have my candy now please?"

"Yep." He answers popping a piece of candy into his mouth.

Turning to face you completely his hands reach up to grab your face and leans forward to kiss you. You reciprocate the kiss when you feel his tongue rub over your bottom lip. Opening your mouth you allow him to use his tongue to push the candy into your mouth. When he's sure you got it he pulls back smiling again.

"See, told you it would be fine."

"Should do that again." You answer after swallowing the piece.

"Anything you want for being a good girl for the last couple of weeks." He says going to grab another piece of candy.

Maybe the stress was worth this.

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