Asking Bianca to make you forget Xavier *angst*

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Word count: 540

Warnings: Asshole!Xavier but that's about it. 


The same excuse as always. It's been the same for the last three days. You keep asking to hang out but he declines and says that he needs to finish a sketch. Sketches for him never took long. You know they're lies because there weren't any new sketches in his book the last time you checked.

Deciding it's enough you head to his room where he would usually sketch. On your way there you started thinking of all the things he could be doing instead of hanging out with you. You're not together but you've been on a date with a second already planned. He promised he was over his other crush.

Getting to the door you open it knowing it's most of the time unlocked. It is. You walk in and he's not there. Not at his desk like he should be. The only other place he could be is his shed, but that's where he paints. Maybe he finished the sketch and went to make a new painting. His art shed is the next destination.

It's a good few minute walk but you don't mind it. Hands in your hoodie pocket you hope he's there.

It's unlocked when you walk up and you smile knowing you found him. But why would he blow you off to paint?

As soon as you walk in you got your answer. He's painting Wednesday playing her cello.

He hears the door open and his head turns towards you looking caught. His eyes roam the shed avoiding contact with you. He knows he fucked up but he doesn't seem to care too much.

"You promised me you were over Wednesday. That's the reason I said yes to you."

"This isn't what it seems like."

"Really? It looks like you're painting the girl you had a major crush on before asking me out."

"Well...yea. But I just had a dream about her. It's not what I know you're thinking about."

"Sure Thorpe."

"Don't call me that. It's not my fault you're jealous of Wednesday."

"Jealous?" You laugh, hurt evident in your tone. "I'm not. I'm hurt that the guy I really liked and was ready to put my all into is still crushing on the girl he supposedly loves."

"We only went on one date!"

"Then why ask me out?"

"To avoid Wednesday." A stab right to the heart.

"Wow." You comment and walk out of the shed before he could say anything back. Let's hope he regrets ever saying that. Doesn't matter if he does, you know exactly what you're about to do. Luckily your roommate is Bianca.

You hurry to your room, you're not crying over some stupid guy. "Hey, you alright?" Bianca questions as you walk into the room.

"Make me forget Xavier please."

"Wait, no I won't do that. What happened?"

You sit on your bed and tell her everything. She huffs out a mad laugh and looks at you. "That's classic Xavier, he acts like some sad guy who's been cursed to paint. But in reality, he doesn't care who he hurts and the way he does it."

"So you'll do it? Please I want to make him regret everything he's done."

She breathes in heavily but smiles. "Yeah, I'll do it but nobody will ever know."

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