Xavier making you thank him *nsfw*

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Warnings: Mean!Xavier, slapping

Word count: 205


"Now,I have no idea what has gotten into you this week but I will not be handling it anymore." He says leaning against his desk.

"Then don't."

"Come here, now. You know what to do."

You walk over to him and kneel in front of him.

"Is there a reason you've been a nightmare of a brat?"

You shake your head knowing he hates not being answered. You hear his breath pick up, he's at his end with you.

"Answer me. I will not repeat myself."

Biting your lip you stick to your game.

You feel his hand grab your jaw and move it to where you're now making eye contact. His thumb now rubbing your cheek.

"One more chance."


Before your brain can comprehend it you feel a sting on your cheek. It didn't hurt bad enough to leave a mark but it was enough to turn your head. He slapped you.

"Say thank you."

In shock, you mumble a thank you but he's not having it.

"I said say it not mumble. Speak up."

"Thank you."

"Now, was that so hard? I will not hesitate to do it again and make you thank me each time. So, tell me why you're being such a brat."

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