Make you proud *angst*

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Summary: You and Xavier breakup. But when Nevermore goes to hell you make a pact to better yourselves. What happens if one of you don't make it?

Warnings: I actually made Nevermore be on full fire....Angst. Xavier says horrible things to reader.Getting hit by an arrow and bullet. Non-happy ending. Mentions of blood and bodies.

Word count:1.4K


"Please don't make me do this." He pleads as he gulps and his eyes shed tears.

"You hurt me, Xavier. I want to give you a second chance but right now I just need time." You answer trying to be the strong one.

"I'm sorry. Just with everything going on and Nevermore may be going to shit soon as Wednesday is saying I got stressed and said some things I didn't mean to. I was scared of losing you and I made it happen anyway."

"So, saying that you wish you never met me and that you're better off without me was a way for you to not lose me? I'm so fucking confused. That hurt, a lot and especially with the tone you used." You're now crying out of hurt and confusion.

"I don't know what I was thinking." He says as he goes to grab your hands. "Please baby. I'm sorry."

"Don't call me that. Please- just don't call me that right now." Your breath hitches as you hear the name he always called you. It usually brought you happiness but after yesterday when he said the worst things to you he possibly could it just gives pure regret.

"I can't lose you. You were the best thing that happened to me. I love you."

"Should've thought about that before you put me through the hardest day of my life yesterday. Someone who loved me wouldn't do that. Stress or not Xavier. I was scared of losing you too, mainly with your need to help Wednesday in this but I didn't say any horrid things to you."

You got up in his face with the last few words and walked out tears streaming down your face, leaving him there crying with guilt. You loved him but this was crossing a line.

The rest of the night was spent in your bed trying to tell yourself he was not worth your tears. Even your roommate helped and even got you to laugh. She gave you some good advice you're sure to remember. But along with the main heartbreak of a breakup, you have to deal with the fact that Nevermore could be in danger. Not a good combination.

Wednesday was right. You were all in danger. The day after the breakup news went around that Xavier was arrested. You knew what for and it wasn't the truth. He couldn't be the Hyde, while everything happened you were with him. But nobody would believe you right now. Your breakup went around like wildfire and most of the students sided with him even though there should not have been teams.

Currently, the school is hectic. The upper levels were on fire and Wednesday was missing. The one person who could help with what is happening. Ajax, Bianca, and Enid had warned everyone but it was too late. Thornhill/ Laurel now had shown up with a gun and things went to shit from there.

Enid had told you that Xavier had been released but he was still nowhere to be found. In the midst of panic, you understood what he was trying to say during the fight. As Bianca and many others try to clear out Nevermore you run off to find him. Just like you told him, you're not losing him either.

While running you see things you wished to never again. Bodies, blood and so much more. This place was hell. Your heart is racing and your entire being is shaking but you will find him alive. You will.

Suddenly in the small hallway of stairs, you run into something and grab onto a railing to save yourself. When you turn around it's him. Xavier. You stare at each other in shock before you jump to hug him in relief.

"I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry I was an idiot. The arrest probably made things worse and-."

"It's ok, it's okay." You reply out of breath. "I understand now. I do. I'm sorry. All this is making me realize I don't want to lose you. We can do this together. We can fix ourselves after we survive this."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too but we need to save Nevermore."

"I ran into Wednesday and she said-. Shit, we need to go!" He rushes out and grabs your arm running to the quad. Along the way, he grabs his archery equipment.

When you get to the quad Wednesday is standing there Thornhill on the other side and.... Crackstone? She's right in the shot of him and you make a stupid decision to run to the other side of the place. You're not best friends with Wednesday but you've heard everything and seen the drawing. Xavier tries to grab your arm to stop you but he fails.

Now you're close to Crackstone but still behind Wednesday. She shifts in front of you almost as if she's protecting you. But then she's choked and knocked over and you're left standing.

"You're not supposed to be in this fight. This is Wednesdays." Crackstone declares.

Your hair is blowing in the wind and your breath has picked up a lot but this is your fight. It turned into yours when your boyfriend was brought into it.

"You made it my fight when you targeted my home and boyfriend!" You yell out as a response.

"You're pretty stupid for a teenage girl. What weapon did you bring to this fight? She has a gun pointed right at you." He refers to Laurel/ Thornhill but you're ready to take the risk.

"I don't need one. He has one." You step to the side and Xavier's standing in stance with bow and arrow in his hand. Arrow pointed right at Crackstone. He lets go of the bow and it aims straight for him.

"Stupid!" Laurel screams and shoots a bullet toward you. Just as she does Crackstone turns the arrow around towards you and it aims straight toward you.

At the same time, the bullet hits your heart, the arrow hits you. Your body pushes forward and you collapse to the floor. Breathing slowing down and you look to the side to see the arrow still in you. It's a lot of pain. And both the villians try to get away.

"NO!" Xavier's distraught voice rings through the quad and he runs to you. He pulls you sideways into his lap and holds your head. You smile at him and hiss in pain while pulling the arrow out and lay it beside you. You're coughing up blood but still smiling through the pain.

"I can't lose you again, please. You're strong you've got this. HELP!" He whispers to you while screaming for help. He's staring with tears in his eyes and mouth open, breathing shakily and holding back sobs.

"I've got him. Make sure she stays awake." Wednesday who's up again commands and makes her way to Crackstone.

"I don't want to go Xavi."

"You're not. Fuck, we're going to get you help." He's now sobbing looking down at you. "You're not, I promise."

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"No, no no no no. We're not starting this conversation! You're not going anywhere." His hands are covered in your blood as he holds you.

"You ran me into a wall accidentally." Your voice is getting small and distant as you cough between sentences. "I apologized and you laughed."

"Yeah, because you didn't do anything wrong. Then I apologized and it turned out we had the same class. We became friends."

"Now you're my favorite p-" "Favorite person and you always will be."

"No, I am your favorite because you're not losing me. Ever. Hey, stay awake." He can see the fight to stay awake leaving you.

Hearing a noise he sees that Crackstone is officially gone and smiles in hope as Wednesday runs over. But it's too late.

"Wherever you go, I promise I'll be with you every step of the way." You manage to out before everything goes black.

"Baby? Baby! No.... it wasn't supposed to end like this" He sobs with his head shaking and eyes closed. He takes a breath to manage words for you.

"I'll make you proud."

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