A good night *fluff*

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Summary: Your forbidden from the festival but go anyway to hang out with Xavier.

Warnings:Kissing, That's it.

Word count: 1.4k


"You will not be going." Principal Weem's voice booms through her office. "I thought attendance was mandatory?" "It is but not for you. If you are seen on sight of that festival consequences will follow."

"Principal Weem's I didn't do anything that bad. The festival is supposed to be for everybody."

"You repeatedly snuck out multiple times at night. That's not nothing. You've been breaking school rules and you won't tell me nor Thornhill who you're out with so this punishment of no festival is suiting figuring you have your fun at night already. And that's the end of it, tomorrow night you will be in your dorm."

Aggravated you walk out of her office and straight to your dorm. Your roommate is sitting on her bed talking on the phone with someone else. "I wonder if he'd win something for me, know how sweet that would be?!" She questions excitedly. But when she sees you walk in not looking happy she pauses and ends her call.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yea, as okay as someone who won't be going to the festival would be."

"What?! Principal Weems prohibited you from going?!"

"Yea, all because I got caught sneaking out and won't tell her who I go out with."

"Oh, I mean it's better than telling her you're sneaking out with Xavier. You know the whole 'boys shouldn't be girls at night' thing."

"I guess, yea. Wait- what if I sneak into the Harvest Festival?" A broad idea popped into your head then, it sounded like a good idea so why not?

"Are you sure about that? Imagine if she catches you there, you could be suspended and kicked out! Then you'll never be able to see Xavier this much again."

"Yes, but I'd rather take the chances of that than staying in here doing something stupid while everyone is out at a festival."

"If you say so but please be careful."

The next day you're walking the court area with Xavier when he brings up the Harvest Festival.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you last night."


"I'm not allowed to go. Principal Weems forbid me from going since she caught me last night."

He stops and turns to face you. "I told you, you should've let me be the one to get caught."

"You've been here longer than me Xavier, you have potential here. So what if I get suspended? Yea, I won't be able to see you a lot but I wouldn't lose the good times I had here. I'll be fine, won't get caught."

"Alright. But what's the plan?"

"I overheard Weems talking about shadowing Wednesday because she's trying to escape. I'll be able to sneak in and out, okay? Don't stress it."

"Got it."

The day went by fast. You overheard some people excited about the festival and how some would rather be in bed all night. There are always some people complaining about the activities here, you noted.

There's ten minutes till the festival and everyone's leaving. You lay in your bed typing away at your computer. Your roommate just left reminding you to be careful. Luckily you had a roommate that doesn't care what you do.

After making sure that the halls were clear you quietly ran to the exit of the school. Surprisingly but not at the same time you made it to the festival without being caught and didn't have any trouble getting in.

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