Pt.2 of Taking an arrow for Xavier

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Warnings: Blood, alcohol, Xavier making a bad joke. That's really it.

Word count: 570


"I'm not going to the medical room. I refuse to. I'm not starting a huge drama about a mistake." You state as you're being led somewhere by Xavier. "I never said I was taking you there, calm down, yeah?"

"Ok, okay yea. I'm sorry this just hurts a lot. I didn't expect it to."

"It's an arrow baby. What were you thinking a spoon was going to hit you?"

"Don't make fun of me right now."

"Sorry." You know he's not but you shrug it off anyway.

"Here. Go in." He says opening the door to his dorm. "I keep a lot of medical supplies in here. I should have everything we need in case it didn't go too deep. I'm not doing stitches myself."

You take your spot on his bed as he rummages through his room in search of his supplies. When he finds it he lets out a soft, "Ah ha." And grabs it. Gently he helps you remove your shirt so he can access the actual wound and not through your ripped shirt.

"I'm sure you know how bad this is going to hurt. Try not to move, okay?"


"Hey, I can see the pain in your eyes. If you need a break at any time, tell me. I'm right here. It's your Xavier cleaning it."


He pours a bit of alcohol onto a pad and holds your shoulder still. He's always had a thing that alcohol cleans better unfortunately for you.

As the liquid hits the skin you jump back and push him away. "Hey, whoa. It's okay, I've got you baby." He comforts putting it down for a minute to get you back into position. There are tears in your eyes as the pain almost crosses the line of too much.

"I know it hurts but it's either this or it gets infected. We don't want that."

"I was so strong out there Xavi but it hurts so much."
"Oh, I know. Should've let me take it." He places a kiss on your nose.

"Are you ready again?"

"No, but I want this over."

"I promise to make this quick."

He leans back over you again taking another pad before touching the skin again. This time you bite your lip holding back pained whimpers hoping time would pass fast.

Luckily it does and before you know it he's pulling away to grab a wet but soft cloth. "I have to wipe the blood off now but it shouldn't hurt." You love how he's walking you through every step so you know what's happening.

Once your shoulder is blood free he's grabbing bandages and patching it up. "I don't want anything to rip them off so I'm going to wrap it, okay?"

"Yea." You're thankful it's now over.

"I'll let you wear one of my shorter-sleeved tops since yours is covered in blood and we don't have another."

Walking back from his closet he helps you slip on a shirt of his that doesn't touch your injured shoulder. Then he sits beside you on the bed wandering a way for you two to lie currently. You snap him out of his thoughts by laying your head in his lap. "I'm never doing that again."

"Saving me or letting me clean a wound?"


You both laugh at that knowing it's one of the biggest lies. You'd die for him if you had to.

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