Hero *angst*

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Summary: Xavier sacrifices himself so you can outrun the hide

Warnings: Mentions of gashes and a lot of blood, angst, non-happy ending. Bold letters are flashbacks of what happened.

Word count: 695


He was everything to you. From the moment you laid eyes on one another till the last time you smiled at the other. Xavier Thorpe, your boyfriend who never failed to make you smile was no longer a part of your life. But he'll always be in your heart. Today's the funeral that the students and families are holding for him. It's not going to be an easy day.

"He always put others before himself in any type of situation. Especially if there was danger around." You comment while standing with Ajax in front of everyone there.

"Go Y/N! I CAN DISTRACT BUT YOU NEED TO RUN NOW!" He yelled as the Hyde made its way toward you two. He was running along beside you trying to get away until he realized you both can't escape this monster. He needed to be a distraction and there was no way anyone was talking him out of it. So, he stopped and yelled at you to keep going.

"No matter the circumstances he's never given up on anything. Never took no for an answer. He wasn't just my boyfriend he was my best friend. Anytime a day went wrong he was there. He'd draw some stupid shit to make me laugh and when I did he always had the biggest smile." Tears are streaming down your face as you recall some of the memories you have with him.

"Even on his bad days, he worried about others. His passion for what he did made him even more loveable."



With tears down your face, you run till your legs gave out. There was no sight of Xavier anywhere until you heard screams then silence. Your mind flashed with all the bad things that could've happened.

When things finally got completely silent you decided to run back hoping that you would run into him on your way there.

"XAVIER? Please, baby, answer me. I can't lose you! Where are you?"

"Nevermore was home to him. Even at the times, he didn't wish to stay. The murals he painted around the campus will always be a reminder of what he did and who he was. He may not be a hero to some but he saved me." Your voice wouldn't allow you to say anything else as Ajax comforts you.

"Where are you?!" You continued to scream looking for him. A strange noise catches you off guard and you turn to the left. Xavier's lying there barely moving. Rushing over you sit next to him.

He's bleeding badly. There are scratches down both his sides and a gash on his chest. It's bad and it takes a lot just for you to look at him. Even his mouth is bloody.

"No, no, this wasn't supposed to happen. You were supposed to run."

"Tried." He coughed up with what little breath he had left. His eyes close softly.

"Hey! Keep your eyes open! Stay with me, you hear me?"


"Yes, yes it's me! I'm here, it's okay."


"He's not here Xavi, I'm sorry."

"I love you. I had to do it."

"I love you too but you need to save your breath."

"You need to let me go."

"No. No no no. Please don't say that. Fuck, this shouldn't be happening. You should've run."

"Don't forget about me."

"Never Xavier. Never. I love you."

You see his body go limp and lay your head on his crying. You've just lost your entire world.

The funeral ended as everyone left going to do their own thing. Ajax and Enid stayed by your side the entire time.

"I know nothing is going to help the way you feel but we're here for anything you need."

"Thank you, Ajax. There's something I haven't told you."


"He asked for you. That night he-." You tried to rush out and he took notice.

"Hey, take your time and breathe."

"He said your name and then told me to never forget him. I told him you weren't there and it hurt so much."

His face fell and his arms opened to give you another hug. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize ever. I'm here. We'll never forget him."

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