Being a brat at Xavier's house *nsfw*

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Warnings: Kissing, language, mocking, oral ( m receiving), cum eating. 18+!

Word count: 1.2K


"Here we are." He declares opening your car door to let you out.

His house was huge. No telling how many bedrooms or just rooms, in general, there are. Your mind wandered to the things he could do to you in each one. You'd let him do anything to you anywhere.

"Sweetheart? You going to get out?"

"Yeah, sorry still drowsy from falling asleep."

"Hm, is that right? Come on I have a house to show you."

He closes the door as you get out and walks you to the front door.

The keys make a loud noise as he unlocks the door. When he does and leads you in you stand shocked. The inside was beautiful. Most mansions are of course but this was another level.

"It's just us two for the break by the way. So whatever you want to do is on the table."

It's silent while you turn to look at him.

"Of course, your mind would go to that, not right now. Let's give you a tour."

His hand went to the small of your back and leads you up the stairwell. From the main floor, it looks like a lot of steps but there aren't really.

"Here's my main bedroom and where you'll be sleeping as well. Assuming that you still want to sleep with me."

"When do I not want to?"

"That's why I planned for you to stay here. Next room is the library."

When you walk in it's a shock all over again. The lights are lit the books are all organized and in order, and there's a bench and ladder. It's amazing.

"This is where I used to get some of my ideas for drawing. Reading some books and characters or even objects would strike my motivation. It's definitely fun when it's peaceful."

"I might spend a lot of time in here.."

He laughs at that and goes to lead you to the next room.

"This is just a guess room. Nothing too fancy but we haven't had a guest in a long time. So, it's just been sitting here."

"I can come here to escape you at times."

"I'll still end up finding you but have fun."

He continued to show you the many rooms. Including the kitchen, main living room, pool, and many more. Now you're both back in the kitchen while he decides on what to make you to eat.

"Maybe if you're good the rest of the day and after we finish eating your little fantasy will come true. But only if you're good."

You think about it before doing something he wouldn't exactly expect.

"After lunch he says. Why not now? We stopped for food after leaving Nevermore." You mocked him.

"Excuse me?" He stops in place. "Do you want to repeat that?"

"Do you need me to resay it? I can gladly mock you again."

He takes a deep breath and starts walking towards you but you stand your ground and stand up tall.

"I knew something was up when you were being quiet. Had the plan to be a brat today huh?"

"No, just trying to get what I want."

"And this isn't the way and you know that."

"Well guess what, it's the way I'm doing it Xavi. Deal with it."

"Kneel." He commands staring you dead in the eyes.

"Why should I?"

"Because if you want that little fantasy to come true at all, you'll do it. I have no problem denying you the rest of the break."

You kneel and stare up at him waiting for his next command.

"Knew that would work. Now, I'm going to put that mouth of yours to work since you can't shut it." He says reaching to undo his pants.

In one swoop he pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles. His tip already starting to have a red tint with precum spilling out.

"You already know the rules. Do it."

Throwing your hands behind your back you open your mouth for him.
He groaned when your lips finally closed around him sucking his tip gently. "Fuck." He moaned keeping his hips still for now.
"Take it all the way."

You pushed your head down more making sure to not gag knowing he was not in the mood for it right now. "There you go. Fucking hell."

After a bit of continuously sucking him, he taps your cheek. You know what he wants by that.

He grabs your hair tight to keep you in place and you keep your mouth open, tongue out. "Good girl." He murmurs before thrusting his hips into your mouth.

His tip hits your throat making a nasty sound and causing him to moan louder. "Fucking take it." He groans repeatedly and sharply thrusting into your mouth.

Your jaws becoming sore but you know he's close when he grabs your hair tighter. "Gonna swallow it, yea? Be good." He strains out.

His grip tightens even more and his hip stutters. "Gonna cum." He warns before he spills into your mouth and you feel it go down your throat, swallowing what you can.

He starts tucking himself back into his boxers when he sees your now begging face.

"If you behave tomorrow then I'll give you anything you want. Up." He answers knowing exactly what you wanted.


The next day you're both in the cool-lit library. He's searching for the book that sparked his motivation and imagination the most. "Got it. Here we go." He says now handing it over to you.

You open the book and look back up at him. "Can I see the drawings this inspired?"

"Of course, I'll be back."

A few seconds later he's back with a sketchbook that looks a bit old and gives it to you. You lay the first book in your lap still open and open the sketchbook. You smile looking at all your boyfriend's drawings.

As you're flipping through the book he stops you from turning to the next and points. "This was my favorite drawing. It took a while to complete but it was the one I was most proud of." He explains happily rambling about his drawings now sitting next to you.

"You know what?" You ask closing both books and turning to him.


"I'm proud of every drawing you've done. Old and new, small or big, even ones I've yet to see. I know they're all good. I know that because I have a very talented boyfriend. One that I love so entirely much."

"You're not allowed to make me cry on winter break." He accuses smiling hard at you.

"I'll make it a mission." You respond leaning forward to kiss him. His hands move up to hold your face and he kisses you back before pulling away. "I love you too so very much. I have an idea."

"What's that?"

"I should throw you into the pool." He says now trying to grab you.

"Xavier Thorpe!"

"Ooo the full name."

"If you throw me into that pool."

"Okay okay, maybe I won't throw."

"You better not." You say glaring at him.

"I said maybe."

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