Part 2 to Casual Dominance

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Warnings: Kissing and mentions of fucking. Thats about it. Names used (Sweetheart and baby). Theres no smut here but my blog is 18+!

Word count:1.6k


Xavier knew you tended to not watch where you were going especially when you were with him. To you, it happened because you felt safe and knew he would take care of you. The main spot he knows to help you through is the path to his painting shed. You've tripped a few times and now he automatically keeps a hand on you.

Your last class has been let out he met you outside of the room and smiled. "Hi, class went well?" "Yea. Shed or m-?" "Yep, I had a dream last night and I should definitely paint it." He laughs quietly and you both start walking. He holds your hand till you get to the main path and his hand travels to the small of your back. He's done it many times but it still sends a feeling through you that you can't describe.

Just like that, your mind traveled to a leaf that flew by and you weren't paying attention anymore. A stick that you couldn't see was in the way and he quickly lead you away from it. You blink when the leaf falls to the ground and he sighs. You were outside the shed now and he was unlocking it. "My girl never pays attention," he says kissing your forehead and opening the door. You walk in looking down and reply, "sorry." "No need to apologize, baby, you know I'm here. I know your mind likes to wander with me. I can handle it, okay?" "Okay, you sure?"

"I am. I like knowing your mind wanders to certain places that I don't know of and that it goes blank. It's cute really. Don't have to worry. Here sit down." His hand is back on your back and leading you to the chair he has for when you're with him. "Just sit here and look pretty for me while I paint this photo, okay?"
The small town is always a bit quiet. With a few stores and Pilgrim World, it's not always too busy. You're walking with Xavier down the sidewalk looking into the windows of the small shops you've been into quite a few times.

What you didn't see was Tyler on the other side leaning on a wall and looking at you, it didn't look like a very platonic look. But Xavier did. He looked straight at Tyler and wrapped his arm around you. You smiled knowing he does that sometimes but it didn't seem to do anything to stop Tyler. Xavier stops and leans against the building you're walking by and you stop confused. Before you could question it you're pulled into his embrace, your back to his chest and his arms around you.

"Xavi?" You ask looking up at him. "He's staring at you." You look at him confused but his eyes look the other way. Eyes following his you see Tyler and know what's happening. "You're mine, yea? He's looking but he knows he will never have you." He whispers darkly in your ear but smiles. His hand grabs your jaw and turns your head sideways again. "Mine." You can feel his breath against your lips then his lips are on yours. You smile and kiss him back deeply.

After a few seconds, you both pull back and Tyler was gone. Must've worked. "Good, maybe that'll keep him from looking at my girl like that again." His arm is back around you and you're back to walking around the stores.
It's quiet in the cafe, not many people are here surprisingly given that it's the weekend but you're not complaining. Xavier sits in front of you drinking his drink. Classes had been hard on you that week but you got everything done and he decided to get some drinks as a treat to say he was proud.

The waiter came over handing you another one of your drinks. You thank him and go to grab the drink but Xavier's hand beats you to it. He has a questioning look and it's pointed in your direction. You know what he's about to ask and you're not sure you have the answer. "How many of these have you had? And be honest because I know I stepped away for a bit but that doesn't mean you don't have a limit." It's true, he got pulled out by another student for a hot minute saying they needed him for something and you do have a limit some days. "Uhm don't remember." "Hm, then I think your done baby. I don't think it's smart to have another. You know how you get, yea?"

"Yea, but can I finish that one? Don't want to waste it."

"I can finish it. You had two before I got called out and I wasn't here to count the others. You'll be fine yea? We've been here for a bit."


"No, but, I will finish this drink and we'll leave. End of discussion. Be good."
You nod at his display of dominance and let him take the drink.
There are times when he likes to randomly grab you just to remind you that you're his. But no matter how many times he does it you're always taken by surprise.

You're in his room sitting on his bed working on some homework that didn't make too much sense. He sits in front of you working on the same work and helping you along the way. After a while, the work is finished and he stands up to put them away. "Good job sweetheart, knew you could do it." He praises as he does knowing you sometimes have a hard time completing your work.

"Thanks." You murmur back.

He starts walking back and you expect to him resume his place in front of you but he turns you around. Before you could say anything his hand is wrapped around your neck gently and he's kissing your face then lips. You moan into the kiss taken by surprise and when he pulls back you smile. "Mine." He smiles. Leaning up you smile and kiss him again. "Yours." "That's right, baby."

"Can't have anyone else in that mind of yours."

"There's never anybody else, only you Xavi."

"Of course sweetheart but I just have to make sure. I'm the one who gets to kiss you, wrap my hand like this, fuck you till you're crying, and hold you to make you feel safe and loved. All me and only me."
Similar to limiting the sugared drink intake he enjoys ordering and getting your food for you. If you're not sure what you want or don't answer him he's got it.

At dinner, everyone's talking around you and it can sometimes be overwhelming. He sees when you are and wraps his arm around you to let you know he's got you. He leads you and grabs your plate and his plate of food not even having to ask, he knows what you like.

When you get to the table he sets it down and slides it to you. It's always exactly what you wanted.

You're in the car, he's decided to take you to a restaurant that you've never been to before. But you've been told there's good food.

When you get there the smell of good food fills your senses and you smile. A nice waitress leads you to your table and he orders you both glasses of water. She gives you both a second to look over the menu and walks away.

"Do you know what you want?" He questions quietly.

"There's a lot here. Not sure." You answer unsure and he can hear it in your voice. His hand reaches out to grab yours from your menu and his thumb soothes you.

"Would you like me to order something for you baby? It's okay if you do."

"Yes, please."

"Of course, I've got you always. Don't stress it, okay?" You nod and smile at him.
When the waitress comes back she's smiling and holding her notepad. "Ready to order?"

Xavier orders for himself first then order for you. It turns out to be exactly what you wanted and you ended up enjoying it. When you get back to the car you turn to him and kiss him. "Thank you."
You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled. You're in your cat outfit for the Poe cup. The race starts soon and you're excited. You heard Xavier is dressed like a jester with makeup and all.

Leaving the tent you walk out to everyone and see him standing there. You smile and walk straight up to him. He was talking to Ajax but excused himself and turns to you.

"Aw, well hello sweetheart, you look good." He says messing with your ears.

"Thank you! I like the jester look on you. Especially the outfit."

He chuckles and thanks you. Looking you up and down he smiles. His mouth opens to say something but Enid interrupts him. "Hey! The race is about to start." She says waving you over and then running back to her place.

"I gotta go. Good luck." You smile up at him. But as you go to walk away he grabs you and turns you around to face him again. His thumb comes up and wipes the side by your eye and nose. Then traces the place below your bottom lip. He smiles, "There we go baby, just had to fix your whiskers and lips. Was starting to drip. Alright, have fun, hope we don't beat you!" He says as he starts to walk to his place. How were you supposed to win the race now?

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