"Watch your tone." *nsfw*

248 1 0

Warnings:Choking and slapping, 18+!

Word count:227


"I don't want to and if I don't want to I won't. Get it through your head, Thorpe!"

He's aggravated you today. Constantly commenting and bugging you about something you "need" to do. You on the other hand were done with his bugging. So, you raised your voice and used venom in your voice to get him to listen. It didn't work the first time he just glared so you used the last name knowing he hates it. That set him off.

He grabs you by the throat keeping your head in place against his dorm wall. "You watch your tone when you're with me." His tone is on the edge of dangerous. You know he's about to be at his limit of allowing you to do what you want.

Your hand comes up to grab his and tries to pry it from your neck. "Oh, stop the big tough guy act. I'll do what I like, yea?"

His free hand moves to slap your hand away from his.

"You fucking brat. I've had enough. Ignoring me earlier, talking back, and now trying to push me away? You know who I am, yes? You have two options. Get yourself on that bed in the next minute or it's going to be a long week." He leans in and whispers "week" right into your ear.

"What's your choice?"

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