Xavier helping you study

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Warnings: Self doubt? Xavier is perfect. Reader gets called good girl and smart girl once.


The sound of your eraser running over your paper fills the room for the third time in a minute. You're starting to get frustrated, sitting there for an hour with the same question.

Xavier hears the noise of frustration from the bed next to you.

"Hey, why don't we take a break, yea?" He's there because he knows you get stressed when studying alone but you've told him you don't want interruptions.

"I can't. I need to finish this question."

"The test is in two days. You have enough time for a small break."

"I don't. Leave me alone." You snap at him and he doesn't react. He knows you're just tired.

"Come over here, please. I'm not going to ask twice." His voice is soft but stern.

Sighing you drop the pencil and walk the small space to him.

"Thank you. I have snacks in this drawer. Can you eat something and drink some water?" You know it's not a question. "Yeah."

As he hands you the food and water he lays his arm over you and rubs your shoulder. "My good girl. When you're done with that you can go back. But after every three questions, I'll revise them. No more stressing yourself beyond limits." He states placing a kiss on your temple.

"Done." You say in a hurry to get back to your work. Your mind is in full work mode no matter how much you hate it. He moves to sit next to you and starts drawing in his book beside you.

"Can you help me with this question?"

"Of course. Do you remember when the professor said that they can transform? What color do they change into?" He doesn't want to just give the answer so he gives a major hint.

"Oh! I got it." A glint of hope fills your eyes before they dull again. "How could I be that stupid?" "What? You're not stupid baby. Don't ever say that."

"What happens if I forget the most simple answer during the actual exam?"

"A letter doesn't and will never define your worth. I see how hard you're working and that's what matters."

Not responding to him you both turn back to your things. A few minutes later you tap his shoulder. "I finished three." He sets his book down and takes your notes. When he's finished he smiles and hands them back. "They're right. See, you have it in you. My smart girl. Do you want to do the next three or take a break?"

"A break please."

"Of course, do you need another snack?"

Maybe this studying thing didn't have to be so hard.

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