Injured during fencing and Xavier stays with you

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Warnings: Mentions of blood, blades and needles. Reader isn't called any names because they're friends. I got distracted by a lot of repeated shit but I tried!

Word count:700


One of your favorite things about Nevermore was the fencing they held. Ever since you were little fencing has been a favorite of yours. So, learning your new school had it you were overjoyed.

Currently, you are waiting for your rotation with Bianca. She was going against a friend of hers. Xavier walked up behind you holding his gear and smiling. You're pretty sure he just won his match.

"You've got this." He normally watches you and your matches. You're sure he doesn't know how much it means to you. Considering your crush on him.

Clanking is heard as Bianca wins and the other sword is dropped. She smiles as he walks off and gets ready for you. You smile at Xavier before walking to the mat. You're ready to win this.

"Do you really think it's safe to play without your protection?" She tries to tease you. Ever since she won to Wednesday she's been stuck up about it. Even made a deal with you that today's match will be without protection.

"I'm fine."

Unbeknownst to either of you her sword is broken. It's a rule in Nevermore to always check equipment before you play at least once. She did before the other match but not now.

She advances towards you before trying to attack but you guard it. Both of your swords hit against the other.

When she goes to do her next move you see the broken blade and get distracted. Just as you're about to make your move away the blade moves close to you. Your hand comes to try and block your face but it's no use. The blade cuts your hand and part of your cheek. You stood still in shock after feeling the sharp blade. It stings badly.

"Shit, you alright?" Xavier had dropped his things walking over to you. You can feel blood on your face and see it on your hand. Bianca nowhere to be seen. You're in a panic, blood has always been a fear of yours. "No, fuck. I'm really fucking scared of blood." You only swear when you're scared and he knows that of you. You go to touch your face to confirm but he stops you.

"Don't. Let's get you to the medical center."

When you arrive the nurse is already waiting. You're sat on the bed while Xavier sits next to you, taking your non-injured hand into his. "Don't look at it." He tilts your head to make you look at him. During your panic, you keep trying to look at it knowing it doesn't help the way you're feeling.

"You're going to need a few stitches on your hand but your cheek can be cleaned and bandaged." You nod at the nurse's statement before she stands before you with gauze and a bandage. She gently presses it to the wound on your cheek and you squeeze Xavier's hand unknowingly. "There we go." She states as your cheek is now good. "You'll have to be still for this next part, however."

A chair is pulled up next to you as she grabs a needle for the stitches. You turn your head into Xavier's chest out of fear but leave your injured hand laying out. "Shh, it's okay. I've got it. I'm right here." He knows that needles are another thing you don't like. At all. He moves his hand that isn't holding yours to cover your eyes then places a kiss on the top of your head.

You're given enough time as the area around your second wound was numbed. It doesn't hurt as much as you thought. Just little tugs here and there but you still didn't wish to see the needle.

Once another bandage was placed he removed his hand from your face and you sat back up. The position you were in was hurting your back. The nurse gives you instructions on keeping them clean before walking away. Specifically, "No more fencing without protection."

"You did great." Xavier praises as you go to get up. You hide a blush and turn around to thank him.

"Thank you for being here. It meant a lot."

"Anytime. I'll be here for anything and you know that. You're my best friend." He smiles warmly

Hopefully, you'll become more. You thought.

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