Wearing a big jacket while studying. *fluff*

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Warnings: Reader gets called baby, kissing, literally just fluff

Word count: 374


It didn't make sense to him to sit in the cold but he dealt with it anyway. You had insisted on sitting outside at the quad to study this time instead of inside. It would've been smarter to go inside but you didn't want to.

"So, let me get this straight, you want to sit here in the freezing weather that you were just complaining about to study because the others are?"

"Yea, there's not too many people and it's pretty quiet right now. Good studying place. And I only complained about the weather because I didn't have this jacket at first." You stated lifting your jacket-clad arms up.

"Well yes, I'm sure you're some kind of warm now. That jacket covers your actual hands. It's funny but cute."

"Leave my hands alone. We need to study."

He chuckles and kisses your cold cheek. "Alright, here you go." He sets your open book on the table for you to read before grabbing his.

"Where are we starting?"

"Page 220."

"Got it."

As you finish the page you go to flip the page but recognize you can't because of the jacket. So, you tap your jacket hand on your boyfriend's shoulder and he lifts his head from reading.

"You okay? Too cold?"

"No, I can't turn my page, the jacket is covering my hand."

"Pull the jacket back, baby."

"No, my hands will get too cold. Flip my page, please?"

"Of course." He reaches over and flips your book to the next page. You smile and lean forward to peck his lips with a kiss. "Hm, was that your way of saying thank you?"


"Well, then you're welcome."

You go back to reading your book, happy that you can understand what you're reading. When you finish the two pages you tap his shoulder again. He looks at you, chuckles softly then turns your page again. This time you leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek.

It goes on like that for an hour. You would read two pages and then tap his shoulder when you needed your page turned. He'd do it without a complaint and you'd kiss him, either his cheek or lips. Either way, he'd smile and quietly say you're welcome.

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