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Larry's POV:

'Laurent where did you go'? I asked my mate as calmly as possible.

"Larry I just went to the Academy to not just inform Kyrie what the pup did to you, but to also show that pup I do not play games when it comes to my mate, my Luna, my love". Laurent replied. I sighed heavily knowing my mate to well.

'What did you do to that pup'? 'And before you answer remember I can openly read not just your thoughts, but Blaze's too'. I asked him, explained to him firmly.

"Babe I didn't harm that pup'". "I just wanted to scare him". "You know what that damn did when I mentioned you as my Luna"? "He scoffed at me, scoffed can you believe that"? He explained to me, asked me.

I giggled knowing he withheld his anger because I asked him to.

"Although that son of your's did show his anger, and he have dug his claws a little deep in that pup's neck". Laurent said. I sighed but didn't say anything.

Phoenix has always been super protective of me.

'Laurent I am glad you didn't fly off the handle and is allowing Kyrie to handle that pup's stupidity'. I told him wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"It is only because you asked me not to harm him". "In your eyes he is still a pup, but in the supernatural community he is a man". "If we didn't have our pup's and watch them grow and allowed them to deal with most their pains while standing by till they asked for help". "I would have just ripped that pup's head off without thinking twice". "That's the main reason Nezm isn't walking with a limp". Laurent explained wrapping his arms around me just as tight.

'I know my love, and I am thankful that you are the Alpha that you are, not only because of our pup's but also because of your true nature'. 'I remember what you refused to do when I was wolfnapped, not because you didn't love me, but because you didn't want the mate's to those wolves who wolfnapped me to suffer'. I told him, kissing his cheek.

'By the way what happened to the pup'? I asked him.

"King Kyrie's guard's took him to the dungeons until he could contact his parents". "I'm not sure what will happen, but I do know Phoenix will need all our support right now". "Roswell followed the guard's to the dungeon instead of following Kyrie and I to his office". Laurent explained.

I felt a sudden sharp pain in my heart. My poor pup must be hurting right now. I grabbed my chest trying to take a deep breath.

"Larry what's wrong"? I heard Laurent ask.

'I don't know'. 'I think Phoenix is hurting right now'. I told him taking a deep breath, trying to calm down. I felt Laurent wrap his arms around my waist and squeezed him tightly.

"He'll be fine". Laurent whispered in my ear. I nodded agreeing with him. I know my pup will be okay I just can't help but worry about him, especially after what Nezm had put him through and the pain I am currently feeling through our bond.

Phoenix POV:

I was glad but also upset that my father didn't hurt Maxwell more than he did. I know that my father would never actually hurt any pup no matter their age unless my dad agreed to it.

I've this every since I was a pup and my father explained to me that even though his own father wolfnapped my dad along with some of the pack guard's my father fought with his self eternally about punishing the guard's, because he didn't want to cause the mate's of the guard's to feel any pain.

I remember my dad telling me that was one of his favorite things of my father that my dad loves.

I admire my father to be able to hold onto his humanity even when he goes full blown Alpha. It is something I hope to achieve once I become an Alpha.

'Are you okay Phoenix'? I heard King Kyrie ask me bringing me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head but didn't voice my words. Right now I'm not sure if I am fine or not.

I mean my first mate, cheated on me as soon as he came of age, and my second mate the prince of the werewolves decided to follow the guard's to the dungeon as they dragged his friend down there instead of following me to his father's office to find out why he felt the need to attack my dad? One of the purest soul's in this supernatural world, where everyone and everything is corrupt or just plain ugly.

I sighed heavily asked to be excused which King Kyrie granted me and walked towards Roswell's room, I stopped abruptly when I felt a sharp pain run through my heart. I gasped trying to catch my breath. After a few moments I was able to calm myself down.

I am not sure the cause of this pain, but I am sure it is not because either one of my mate's are cheating. This pain is different from the one I use to feel whenever Nezm cheated on me.

I held my heart and decided to walk towards my room instead. I haven't been able to connect with my wolf every since my father left and I need to be alone in hopes to reconnect with him.

"Please, Cypress talk to me". I begged him, curling up on my bed in a ball and tried to drift off to sleep.

Sorry it's a short chapter...
I'm still dealing with the loss of my mother...
Thank you all for your understanding ❤️

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