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Phoenix POV:

I wouldn't say I ran from my problems like my dad keeps saying I am.

I just needed to get away to clear my head and truthfully I was hoping my 'other' mate would help me, but of course he is once again to busy with whatever supernatural creature is giving him, their time.

Thankfully though I haven't felt him sleep with anyone or anything since he last visited the Academy so I guess that's a little bit of good news.

A move in a positive direction for us, maybe. Roswell still is not happy that he has to share me with another, but that's what the Moon Goddess planned for us, and no matter the heartache I have felt my family does not believe in rejection.

Unless one or both my mate's decided to reject me on their own, we will work out our differences and become a strong trouple (three and couple combined: three in a relationship). I sighed feeling Cypress my wolf feeling lost and distant. I know it's because I left our mate back at the Academy and didn't tell him I was leaving, but I needed to get away.

Cypress feels almost lost, and he has become weaker over the last week. I do not understand why us leaving Roswell has affected him as much as it is, mainly because he wasn't sick, weak or distant when we left the packhouse when we went to the Academy.

'I need Midnight'. Cypress whimpered out breathlessly. I nodded agreeing with him. I need my mate too. I need Roswell.

"Let's talk to my dad and see what he came up with". I told him. I felt him nodding his head weakly.

After Cypress agreeing with me to talk to my dad, I walked towards his office. I knew from the scent coming from his office that my father wasn't inside, but unfortunately my uncle Jackson was.

Don't get me wrong I love my uncle Jackson very much, it's just that I haven't really been able to have a full conversation with my dad without using our link since I got here and I really need his advice. Not him telling me I was wrong for leaving without telling my mate, but actual advice.

I sighed heavily and linked my dad to ask him how long is uncle Jackson's visit. After getting his answer, I walked down towards the kitchen to find something to eat.

'Phoenix'? I heard Nezm say, ask. I nodded not answering him.

It's not that I'm ignoring him or anything, well I guess in a way I am. Like I said before since I been back he hadn't found any time for me, he's always hanging out with others. So when he is 'not busy' I act like I am.


Maybe, but I don't care.

I am already trying to figure out how to deal with one mate, I don't need the other one only finding me when he isn't hanging out with others. I tried to continue to ignore him but he kept calling my name, it was affecting Cypress.

'Phoenix can you stop ignoring me'. 'I have been trying to get you to talk to me for the past week'. Nezm said, causing Cypress to coo at our mate's words. I sighed silently in my head and just stared at my mate.

'Can you at least act like I'm your mate'. Nezm growled out. I shook my head and began ignoring him again.

Who in the Moon Goddess think he is? I asked myself.

The only reason I am ignoring him is because that's all he has ever done to me. Why should I just forgive and forget just because he 'seems' to have stopped sleeping around?

'Did you hear me'? He growled out at me. I just shrugged my shoulders walked passed him and left the kitchen.

'Mate loves us'. Cypress whimpered. I just shrugged my shoulders and didn't give him an answer. It really doesn't matter if he loves us or not, he has no right to get angry with me because I treat him the same way he has been treating me over the years.

'Phoenix, Jackson left if you still needed to talk'. My dad linked me. I smiled and walked towards his office to talk to my dad. It's not like we need words because of this gift we both share, but sometimes I need words to help me work through my issues.

Once I arrived at my dad's office door I took a deep breath to make sure no one else was inside before I knocked on his door. I waited for him to invite me in. After I heard him say come in I walked into my dad's office and sat in the large chair in front of his desk and took a deep breath.

I'm not sure why but I kinda feel nervous to talk to my dad about mine and Roswell's issues, which doesn't make sense because I know my dad already knows what has been going on.

'So Phoenix, you wanna tell me why it seems like your heart just ran a marathon'? My dad asked me. I shrugged and sighed trying to find the right words to explain to him how I feel. I know he is waiting for me to tell him instead of him reading my thoughts.

'You're an open book, but I want your words from your mouth '. He said a little sternly.

"I'm sorry dad, it's just for some reason all of a sudden I got nervous to talk to you, which has never happened before". "Plus I know even though you're trying not to read my thoughts sometimes it just happens". I explained. My dad nodded his head in understanding, then he spoke again before I had the chance.

'Maybe the reason your nervous, is not because of your own nerves but because of your mate's nervousness'. He said. I thought about it for a moment and it made since why I would feel nervous all of a sudden to talk to my dad.

'You need to talk to your mate'. 'Not Nezm, but Roswell'. He said. I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"I'm hurt dad". "Actually no I'm not, not anymore". "I was when he followed that friend of his". "But now I'm just confused". I explained. I watched my dad nod his head.

'Your confused because of how Nezm has treated you over the years'. My father linked me. I nodded yes.

"Dad why are we linking"? I asked him. He didn't get a chance to reply because of a knock on his office door. I heard him sigh, then looked at me worriedly. I just shrugged not caring if the werewolf at the door comes in or not.

'Come in'. My father told the she-wolf that claimed Nezm was her mate. I gritted my teeth silently and waited to what she had to say.

'Luna Larry' I wanted to request a bond breaking ceremony with my supposed mate'. The she-wolf (I know her name I just prefer 'she-wolf') whispered almost too flirty.

'Don't'. My dad linked me. I nodded my head towards my dad, unnoticed by the she-wolf.

'Why'! My dad asked in his I'm really not in the mood voice. I chuckled under my breath.

'I want to chose my own mate'. She said still using her flirty voice. I began to get more and more angry at her and her voice.

I have no idea why she-wolves think it's okay to flirt with any wolf they talk to. It's not cute.

'I advice you to act like a proper she-wolf or get the HELL out of my mate's office'. I heard my father grit out.

'Sorry Alpha Laurent'. The she-wolf said walking quickly out of my dad's office.

I sighed, thanking my father for interrupting the useless conversation.

'Phoenix remember what I said'. My dad said bringing me out of my head. I nodded my head, got off the chair and walked around his desk to hug him.

"Thanks dad". I said, giving him a quick hug.

I walked towards my father who was still standing by the door and gave him a quick hug before leaving my dad's office.

'Time to talk to mate'. Cypress said happily. I nodded my head yes and walked towards my room.

"Time to talk to Roswell". I said to myself.

Phoenix the Rising Alpha Where stories live. Discover now