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"Prem, did you accept New's confession? Did you accept him?" As soon as the door opened, Boun rushed up and grabbed Prem's arms, asking hurriedly.

"How do you know that New is going to confess to me?" Prem hesitated for a moment, wanting to take the opportunity to clarify Boun's intentions.

"He told me this evening. Did you accept him?"

"Accept...not accept, is it important?"

"Important, it's important to me. You accept him, don't you?"

Prem deliberately didn't answer.

"Pao, don't accept him, okay?" When Boun thought that the person he liked would become someone else's boyfriend, his heart ached like it was being pricked by a needle.

"Why? New treats me very well and likes me very much."

"I'll be nice to you too, Pao, I like you very much too."

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

It was only then that Boun realized that the confession he thought was difficult to say was so easy to blurt out.

Boun stepped forward and took Prem into his arms. He murmured: "I know. Pao, I like you, really. Don't be New's boyfriend, okay?"

Prem's mood at this time was already too excited, this was the moment he dreamed of, he wanted to hug Boun tightly now, and wanted to tell Boun all his heart.

"Whenever I think that New will snatch you away and won't be able to be with me in the future, I get angry and jealous."

One sentence made Prem fall back to the bottom again. Prem pushed Boun away without expression.

"So, Phi, you don't really like me, you are just afraid that I will be snatched away by New. Just like a child's toy being snatched away, you are just angry and disappointed."

"No no no." Boun wanted to explain clearly, but couldn't say clearly. "No, Pao, I really like you. Really. You are not a toy."

"I don't know if I can trust you."

The disappointment and sadness in Prem's eyes were clearly visible, and Boun's heart also ached. This time it wasn't because Prem didn't choose him, but because his behaviors and words hurt him.

Boun gently took Prem's hand and placed it on his chest.

"Pao, can you give me a chance? I will prove that I am sincere to you, not just a momentary impulse. Wait until you are sure that you can trust me, and then give me the answer. Before that, don't reject me, okay? "

Prem looked up at Boun's eyes. At that moment, he believed Boun 100%. His hand is in Boun's heart, and that sense of reality makes him unable to refuse.

Maybe it was the answer to the confusion in his heart, maybe it was Boun's firm eyes that made Prem feel at ease. That night, Prem slept very well.

When he saw Fluke and Sammy, the two teased Prem looking happy, whether he was nourished by love. Prem told the whole story of what happened yesterday, the two were surprised and happy, and then the three hugged together to celebrate.

"I said that P'Boun must like you. Otherwise, how can he accept that everyone thinks you two are couple, and his usual behavior towards you is really... If he doesn't like you, how could he do it!" Sammy spoke plausibly, as if she had seen through everything long ago.

"But Prem, do you really think that P'Boun will be impulsive? But from my several observations, I think he really likes you." Fluke who calmed down said slowly.

"But he said he was afraid that I would be snatched away by New. It sounded like I was his toy all the time, then New might take it away, he felt angry."

"In other words, if P'Boun is with someone else now, the person you always liked chooses someone else, and the person next to him is no longer you, wouldn't you feel that he was snatched away? Would you be angry and jealous?"

Prem bowed his head in thought for a moment, then nodded.

"That's right. So there's nothing wrong with what P'Boun said. Maybe it's because you haven't been in a relationship before, so you can't tell the difference."

"So what to do now?"

"What can be done? You said that P'Boun is a person who is afraid of being rejected. He must have taken a lot of courage to confess to you. Fortunately, P'Boun was not scared away by you, and he himself said that he wanted to prove it to you, so you can only wait and see."

"But, when will I accept him? I'm afraid it will take too long, and he will scare away..."

Prem's words made Sammy and Fluke laugh. This little fool must regret it to death. Why didn't he accept Boun directly last night.

"Don't worry. If he gives up so easily, that means he doesn't like you very much, so you don't need him. You just need to respond more when he behaves, so that he can feel your heart too. As for when to accept him, it really depends on you. Timing is something that only the person involved can understand." Fluke was like a confidant senior's guidance, and Sammy nodded frequently in approval. Prem nodded with a vague understanding.

Boun is still the same as before, training and eating with Prem, then playing games together, and sometimes helping Prem with English tutoring. It didn't seem any different from before, but something was different.

Boun deliberately restrained himself from being too intimate with Prem as before, but he was still as careful and considerate as before. Prem didn't notice anything wrong at first, but several times Boun's hand had already held Prem's wrist, and he pulled away quickly. Even the shoulder hooks they used to do in the past have now turned into pulling Prem's backpack or clothes.

Prem couldn't understand how the intimacy they had when they were good friends became more and more estranged when the window paper was pierced.

The swimming team organizes a training camp at the beach, which is treated as a trip by the way. Everyone cheered and started plotting something to do.

Boun and Prem went to the convenience store to buy snacks. Prem's first choice was of course his favorite Lay's potato chips, so he bought three or five packs anyway. But today, for some reason, Boun chose low-calorie biscuits and yogurt for Prem, and all the potato chips were put back. It made Prem's face darker and darker.

"What are you doing! I just like potato chips! I buy mine, you buy yours, don't mind me!"

"I'm doing it for your own good. Potato chips are too high in calories. Look at your face, it's getting more and more like a steamed bun!" Boun knew that Prem was unhappy, but he still smiled.

Prem is a kind of person who is five pounds fat and has one pound on his face. Usually it's okay to tease him, but now the person he likes thinks he's fat, and he gets angry all of a sudden.

"Are you disliking me for being fat now?"

Hearing Prem's tone, Boun felt that something was wrong, and quickly explained: "No, no, I didn't mean that, I was..."

"If you don't like me, go find someone else, that's what I am." After speaking, Prem shook his hands and left, leaving Boun with an embarrassed face.

Boun doesn't know how to coax girls, let alone how to coax boys. He stayed where he was for a long time, and finally took a few bags of potato chips and soda to pay the bill. And the yogurt and biscuits he chose for Prem just now returned to their original places.

To Be Continued...

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