Chapter 1

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Zenitsu's POV:

It was a normal fall day, Gramp's was taking me to school, in his embarrassingly old car. I AM SO EMBARRASSED!!! I thought to myself. What am I going to do if the other students find out my loveable, but old Grandpa is the science teacher!?

"So sonny boy, what are your plans for the first day of school?" He asked, with his eyes still focused on the road.

"To follow the schedule the principal told everyone to follow??!" I snaped back. His eyes never looked back at me, he was fully emerced in his driving.

"Oh yeah, that's right" he laughed. I couldn't see his eyes but I knew they were full of joy and laughter.

Five minutes later, we arrived at school. "We've arrived at school!" He exclaimed with his eyes looking up at the beauitful school, surrounded by the most beautiful cherry blossom trees I've ever seen.

"How did they get such beautiful trees?" I asked.

"They use all the fund rasier money on the trees!!" Gramps was laughing again, with his eyes full of laughter and joy, staring up at the trees. He loves trees.

"Okay Gramps, you can go ahead. I forgot something in the trunk." I was lying. I just didn't wanna be seen with a teacher on the first day, even if I love him and his passionate eyes.

"Alrighty boy-o, see you in class!" His eyes only lingered for a moment, then he turned and walked off, with his eyes looking towards the brightly lit future.

I waited by the car for a good ten or so minutes, but then finally decided it was time to go inside before I'm late. I started walking towards the school then-...!

Tanjiro's POV:

Oh no! I spent too much time dropping off my siblings at their school! Nezuko and I are going to be late for our first day! We were running as fast as our legs could take us. Our mother couldn't take them today because of work, so hopefully the teachers will understand.

"N-Nezuko, run faster!!" I said out of breath.

"I'm trying my hardest! Oh- hey brother, look, there's the school!!" She pointed out in its direction and we bolted for the enterance. But, what we didn't see was a blonde kid who moved from behind the cars and into the way. Then suddenly we crashed into one another.

"Ouch!!" The blonde kid yelped.

Nezuko and I were on the ground, I jumped to my feet to help her up. Then I reached my hands out and pulled the blonde kid to his feet.

"I'm so sorry! We didn't see you there." Nezuko said.

"OWW!! THAT HURT! YOU HAVE TO WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!!" Blonde boy yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Oh no, are you really that hurt?? We can take you to the nurses office, but the problem is I don't know where it is yet." I looked at the tears streaming down his face, what have I done??

The blonde boy wiped away his tears and screamed "NOW I'M GONNA BE LATE TO CLASS, AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!!" He runs off to the school entrance and he is no where in sight.

"Wow, Nezuko, we really messed that up." I looked down at my feet, my kahkis and combat boots were all dirty from the fall.

Then I look over at Nezuko and yell "Nezuko!! Your dress, it's covered in dirt, I'm so sorry!!!" I tried wiping as much of the dirt off.

"It's okay brother, I brought a change of clothes, but if we change now we'll be even later. Let's just head to class." She grabbed my hand and started walking towards the school.

Inosuke's POV:

I was sitting in the back of the classroom, waiting for the teacher to arrive. When he did, his eyes scanned the room staring each of the children in the eyes and made his way to the front of the room. He was about halfway through attendance when a yellow-haired shrimp ran in, covered in dirt.

"Zenitsu, my boy! What happened? Why are you so late and covered in dirt?!" The old man looked with his full eyes on yellow boys dirt covered outfit.

"MY BOY? WHAT I JUST MET YOU. WHY ARE YOU CALLING ME THAT???" He screamed dramatically and everyone just looked at him.

"Ah I see!! Another one of your silly jokes, okay I'll play along." He whispered, his eyes full of joy, but everyone could still hear him. Then yellow haired boy quickly took his seat in the middle of the class.

The old man started attendance again, staring at each one of us when he called the names, and when he said my name I started to think, I hope no one finds out about my secret.

Tanjiro's POV:

Nezuko and I made it to class and when we rushed through the door, we tripped over each others feet and fell to the ground. I could smell everyones eyes on us.

Then the teacher walked over and stared at us in the eyes with his eyes, he offered his hand to my sister and she took it. Then he stuck his hand out for me and I took it aswell.

"You two are late to class, and your uniforms are covered in dirt! What happened to the both of you?" The teacher asked, with his pretty eyes still staring into my soul.

"I'm sorry, sir. It's all my fault that we're late, please don't blame my sister." Nezuko tried to protest weakly, but I stopped her, I wouldn't let her take the fall.

Nezuko and I took our seats right next to eachother, but before I sat down I locked eyes with the exact same blonde boy that we had bumped into earlier this morning. We both quickly looked away, and I sat down, embarrassed.

The first day of school is not turning out the way I expected it to.

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