Chapter 20

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Tanjiro's POV:

Everything is going wrong in my life.

First Nezuko hated me, then Inosuke, now both of them hate me AND they're dating???

Not that I don't like Inosuke, of course! It's just that they barely know eachother and Inosuke's kind of.... extreme. And I don't think Nezuko should be dating that young!

And with all this stress you can't blame me for passing out... I hadn't gotten any sleep the night before because of all my worrying.

"Tanjiro!" Zenitsu called my name.

"I can't be sued for this, right Kyojuro?" Tengen asked.

"Why do you always think of that first?" Kyojuro responded.

"'Cause I have lot's of assets!"

"Tanjiro, wake up!" Zenitsu exclaimed, then he began shaking me.

I heard some footsteps coming closer.

"What happened??!" Nezuko shouted.

"He passed out!" Zenitsu said franticly.

"What did you do to Monjiro?!" Inosuke yelled.

"I didn't do anything!!"

"Calm down!" Tengen said. "Look, he's waking up already!"

I sat up and opened my eyes. "Um. Whoops? Sorry..."

Zenitsu and Nezuko were both about five inches from my face. "ARE YOU OKAY???"

I yelped, I would've sat up but they were in the way.

Tengen smiled and flipped his hair. "All's well that ends well!"

"How is this ending well?! He literally just passed out!!"

Kyojuro laughed. "Maybe he should go to the nurse. Come on, Tengen, Giyu is probably looking for us!!"

"What? Why would he do that-?" Tengen was cut off by Kyojuro dragging him away.

So now that left the rest of us sitting on the floor awkwardly.

Nezuko stood up quickly and folded her arms. "Come on, Inosuke, let's go."

"OKAY, NUTELLA, LOVE OF MY LIFE!!" Inosuke screamed.

Zenitsu made a face. I sat up and said, "Wait!"

They both glared at us then kept walking away.

Zenitsu helped me up. "Maybe you should go to the nurse."

I nodded, still staring at Nezuko and Inosuke.

I held onto Zenitsu's arm the whole time as we made our way to the nurse's office.

We walked in the room and Shinobu was talking to someone who looked like her, but taller and with longer hair.

Zenitsu started turning red and he saw the two and he said "Uh! Hello ladies! Is the nurse in?!"

The taller girl walked over to us and smiled, "Why yes, I'm the nurse. How can I help you, young man?"

"Oh no, uh! No, my friend here is the one who needs help. Oh, and by the way, I'm Zenitsu-!"

...Is he really doing this right now?

"It's nice to meet you." Then the pretty girl looked at me, "What's your name?"

"I'm Tanjiro, and I hit my head cause I passed out."

"Oh no, poor thing!" She took my hand and brought me over to a chair and I sat down "What made you pass out?" She asked as she was checking my head for any injurys.

"Oh.. well-" I started to say, but then I was interupted.

"It was because of Tengen and Kyojuro, again." Shinobu commented.

"Again? This has happened before???" Zenitsu asked curiously.

"Yeah, multiple people have been sent here cause of their shenanigans. And the school year only started two weeks ago!!"

"I was against trusting them!!" He quickly explained.

"What did they make you do, Tanjiro?" The nurse asked me.

"Nothing, it's what they did, or what they found out..."


"Um.. okay." This is kind of awkward. "It's just uh.."

Shinobu sighed, "Tengen and Kyojuro told us that Tanjiro's little sister and the boy who wears a boars head are dating."

"Oh... I see why you're concerned." The nurse went on, "Last year, when it was pajama day he showed up to school wearing nothing but his boar mask, it was terrifying. And he somehow wasn't expelled."

"AHHH" Zenitsu and Shinobu both yelled, "Don't remind us!!!"

She laughed, "Sorry guys, but it is a little funny now!"

I just sat there in shock, I mean I know it's definitely something he would do. But the fact that my sister is dating a guy like that??!! NO, SHE CAN'T!!!!

"How do I break them up?" I asked, I didn't mean to be rude, but I can't let my sister go through with something like this.

"Oh Tanjiro, I'm sorry, but I can't do that and you shouldn't do that either." She frowned at me, "If your sister is happy then you should be happy for her."

Me? Happy? About her dating INOSUKE!

"I'm sorry, too. But I can't let her date him. You saw him with his pants down, yourself!!! Why should I let this happen?!"

"Tanjiro's right! He's insane!!! And Nezuko is way too pretty to be with someone like him!" Zenitsu shouted a bit too defensively for my liking...

"But, it's still wrong to try to break them up." She walked over to the freezer and got an ice pack, "Here, put this on your head and you'll be fine."

"I guess... and thank you Miss...?"

"Kanae Kocho, you can just call me Miss Kocho." She smiled and helped me put the ice pack where I had hit my head. "Now, if you boys need anything else you know where to find me!"

"Of course, Miss Kocho!!! We'll be going now!! See you soon, but hopefully not too soon cause that would mean I'm injured or dying!!" I stopped his rambling by dragging him out of her office.

"Bye Miss Kocho, thank you."

We left the nurse's office and headed for our next class.

We got seats next to eachother and as the teacher started to speak I whispered to Zenitsu. "Zenitsu, after class you find Inosuke and try to convince him to break up with Nezuko."

He looked at me like I was crazy. "He won't even talk to me! And what would you be doing?"

"I'll be trying to convince Nezuko to break up with Inosuke!"

"..." Zenitsu blunk slowly. "And what if they don't talk to us?"

"Better to have tried and failed then never have tried at all!"

"Why are you so optimistic about this?" Zenitsu asked defeatedly.

"Because I cannot let Nezuko go down this path, there are so many better guys out there!" I said, before realizing Zenitsu might consider himself one of those better guys. Of course, I mean, he is.

But for me and not Nezuko.

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