Chapter 32

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Zenitsu's POV:

I waited a few minutes before leaving after Tanj left, I was so red and I didn't want Gramps to see.

I was still blushing slightly when I left, but Gramps keeps spamming my phone telling me to come to the car now, so I don't have a choice.

When I got outside I spotted him right away... he was leaning on the car, probably trying to look 'cool'. Why is he so embarrassing?!

"Yo, what's up my main man! What's the diggy in the hizz-houze?" Gramps yelled at me.


"I'm spittin straight factz, fam."

I'm going to die, why is he related to me????

I just got in the car while he was still speaking nonsense. Then when he got in after me I realized something. "HEY, THOSE ARE MY SUNGLASSES!"

"I'm just trying to look hip and fresh in my new fit!"

"Please, don't call it that. It's not normal."

"Whatevez, son."

I ignored his slang talking for the whole drive home and just thought about Tanjiro.

I was pretty sure I was being discrete about it, but when we pulled in the driveway Gramps turned to me and asked "What are you so smiley about?"

I jumped and exclaimed, "Nothing! What are you talking about? I'm not smiling."

He looked at me skeptically, "Okay, then."

I quickly got out of the car and ran inside. If I'm already having this much trouble hiding it from Gramps, I wonder how much harder it is for Tanjiro to hide it from his family.

The next day at school I was really excited to see Tanjiro! And Inosuke and Nezuko, I guess...

The second I saw him I could feel my my face heat up and my heart speed up.

I ran over to him and he looked happy.. but scared? "Hi, Tanj!" I smiled at him and I tried to give him a hug, but he kind of dodged and tried to give me a hand shake instead.

I felt my heart drop for a second before realizing Nezuko was standing next to Tanjiro with a knowing expression on her face.

"Hi, Zenitsu!" He said anxiously.

"Oh... uh, hey Nezuko." I'm so embarrassed I can't believe I didn't notice her there.

They were both just standing there staring at me. So I said, "Are we waiting for Inosuke?"

As I said that Inosuke came barreling into me and knocked us both to the ground.


He just laughed maniacally and didn't seem to care.

Tanjiro looked like he wanted to help, but for some reason couldn't...? Thankfully, Nezuko stepped in and told him to get off and he listened?

Inosuke grunted, "Fine!" He got up and marched angrily inside and Tanjiro followed.

Nezuko offered me her hand and helped me up. I'm a little confused and sad that Tanj didn't wait for me.. but it's fine, I guess.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure." I said.

"I don't wanna intrude, but are you dating anyone?" Oh no, does she know?? Is that why Tanj is being so weird? DID HE TELL HER?!

"Uh..." I can't lie, cause if Tanjiro DID tell her then I don't wanna make him seem like the liar, but if he DIDN'T tell her I don't wanna be the one to do it. "Yeah, someone."

She nodded, "Okay. Can I know who?"

Oh no, oh no, oh no. Is she onto me??

I shrugged, "I don't know if they want it public."

"That's fine, but is it a boy or girl?" WHY IS SHE SO PERSISTENT????

"Um..." I need to think of something quick. "HEY, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR CLASS!" I shouted and started running into the school.

In class Tanjiro was ignoring me and instead of us sitting next to eachother as usual he sat next to Nezuko.

And between classes Tanjiro would be talking to Nezuko and Inosuke, but when I said something he would go quiet and have a guilty look on his face.

And at lunch time he didn't even acknowledge me when I sat down. He's acting like a different person, we're supposed to be dating, but it feels like he doesn't even want to be friends anymore.

My excited feeling from earlier was completely deflated and trampled on.

Inosuke must've noticed me looking upset because he's trying to be nice.

"You haven't eaten your food at all, Monichi! Does it not taste good? Do you want some of mine?"

Then Inosuke made a hacking noise and I realized he already finished lunch.


Inosuke stopped. "Do you want me to chew yours for you?"

"Why would that be any better?" I asked incredulously.

He paused for a second. "I thought you were having trouble chewing."

I didn't respond to that, "I think I'm going to eat lunch with Gramps..."

I grabbed my lunch and got up.

Inosuke waved bye, "Have fun chewing with Gramps!"

"Thanks, Inosuke." I left the cafeteria and made my way to the teachers lounge, where Gramps inevitably would be.

As I was nearing it I heard footsteps behind me.

"Zenitsu! Wait!"

I turned around to see Tanjiro running towards me.

I avoided eye contact, "What do you want?"

He looked a little hurt by the tone of my voice but continued, "I wanted to apologize for this morning."

"It's fine." I replied angrily.

"No it's not, I told Nezuko..." he started to say.

"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna say something to her? It would've made things less weird."

"It's not that.. I may have told her... that you have a girlfriend..."

"You told her what???" I asked exsasperatedly.

"I didn-"

"You know what, Tanjiro, if us dating is just a burden for you we can stop. I know I was the one who said we should kind of keep it a secret, but I don't want to lie about it."

He didn't say anything, so I just left him to think about it.

If he doesn't come to a conclusion soon, I'm just going to have to break up with him.

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