Chapter 61

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Zenitsu's POV:

"Come on, Zenitsu, it has to be perfect!" Tanjiro said as he stirred the sauce.

"I know, but I don't like meatballs." I whined.

"But it's in the recipe," He replied as he set the silverware on the table, then he paused before adding. "So, you're sure your Gramps isn't going to come home?"

"He won't, the school keeps him late on parent teacher conference night." I said confidently, "For the last time, it's going to go fine, we already know what Inosuke'll say."

He nodded nervously, "But what if he's changed his mind? He could've already moved on-"

"Okay, Tanj, I think that's enough." I groaned, "And I thought I was the anxious one..."

Tanjiro chuckled, "Sorry, I can't help it. So you really think he'll-"

There was a sudden and violently loud banging on the front door.

"Inosuke!" Me and Tanjiro whisper yelled.


"Oh no!" Tanjiro yelped, "It's not ready!"

I glanced around the messy kitchen, I thought we'd have time to clean it before Inosuke came, but of course he wanted to ruin our plans.

"He's thirty minutes early!" I started frantically trying to put everything away, Tanjiro quickly started wiping down the counter.

"How did we get this much flour everywhere?!"

"Remember I spilled it?" I said, then added with an embarrassed smile, "I also spilt the salt on the floor."

"And I got some of the meat on the stovetop." He admitted as I tried to wipe egg off the wall. "Maybe we should've asked Nezuko for help!"

"That would've been too embarrassing, we're two people, we can make a dinner by ourselves." Well... Hypothetically speaking. I grabbed the bread and was about to put it on the table before stopping. "You got French bread."

"Hm?" He paused to stare at me, "What?"

"You got the wrong bread. We needed Italian bread, to match the Italian food."

He facepalmed and groaned, "I didn't even realize... I'm so sorry-!"

"It doesn't matter," I interrupted quickly, "Inosuke likes baguette, anyways."

We both jumped as there was a noise behind us, "Hey, guys, this looks fire."

"HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" I screamed.

"You didn't answer the door so I just came through the window." Inosuke shrugged.

Tanjiro shook his head and looked apologetic, "Sorry, Inosuke, we were just a little busy-"


"-and what do you mean it looks fire?" Tanjiro asked curiously.

"Oops, I meant it is on fire!" Inosuke grinned like a crazy person as me and Tanjiro yelped.

"MY OVEN IS ON FIREEE!" I shouted, "Gramps is going to be so mad!"

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