Chapter 37

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Inosuke's POV:

"Inosuke?" Monichi said, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you in class?"

"Uh..." I started to say but Salami cut me off.

"Hey, don't talk to my friend that way."

"Your friend??? Inosuke, what are you doing hanging out with.. THIS guy??" He pointed at Salami with distaste.

"We're having fun!" I said flashily.

"What kind of fun includes skipping class?" He asked me skeptically.

"It's not skipping, it's taking a mental break!" Monichi is so dumb, how doesn't he see that what we're doing is not bad?

"Mental break?" He repeated me. "Is that the lie he's telling you?"

"It's not a lie!" Salami said with a grin, "Come on, Inosuke, defend me."

Monichi looked at me with fear in his eyes, "Don't do it, Inosuke!"

"Do what?"

"Teach this guy a lesson." Salami said, "You said you were up to it. So show me."

"Uh- how do I teach him a lesson?" I asked him hesitantly.

"You know..." Salami nudged me, "Rustle him up a little."

"Inosuke..." Monichi's eyes filled with tears.

"Hurry it up, Inosuke."

Monichi tried to make a break for it, then Salami yelled, "GET HIM!"

I didn't know what to do so I just shoved Monichi against the wall.

He yelped in pain and I just stared at him, what else would Salami want me to do?

He stepped over and gripped onto Monichi's shoulder then said to me, "Watch and learn." Then he grabbed his hair and forced him to the floor.

Monichi let out a cry for help.

Salami looked at me then said, "Go on. Kick him."

"But, Salami-"

"You said you were up to it."

I guess I did say that, but when I looked down at Monichi he looked so hurt.

But, then I remembered how hurt I felt because of him and Monjiro.

I shut my eyes as tight as I could and braced myself.

"Go on!"

"Inosuke, please don-"

I didn't want to hear him cry or whine anymore, so... I just kicked him square in the chest to shut him up.

As soon as I did it I felt a lot of emotions. The biggest one was shame.

Salami clapped. "Good job! You have more in you than I thought!"

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