Chapter 23

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Inosuke's POV:

A week after we all made up I had been thinking about what Monichi had said about me.. being gay.

I decided I wanted to hang out with him, so I'll ask him out later at school.

I was climbing fences to get there and wondering if Monichi will say yes.

But, what if he doesn't? What if he laughs at me? I mean.. we did hug, so he might not. What if he's already dating somebody?

Whatever, if he takes it THAT way, I'll just tell him I didn't mean it as a date, I meant it as just friends! Then he'll look like the fool!

As I walked into school I was going by the lockers and saw Monichi. I went up behind him and peered in his locker, there was a picture of him and Monjiro in there...

"HEY!" I shouted and slapped him on the back.

"OW!" He quickly spun around, "What was that for?!"

"Yeesh, I was just saying hi!" I shoved him out of the way and pointed to the picture of him and Monjiro. "What's that?"

"Huh? It's just a picture?"

"Yeah, but why aren't I there?"

"Cause we haven't taken a picture together."

"Can we?" I asked him.

He seemed surprised, "Right now?"


"Okay, sure." He dug through his bag, looking for something.

Just as he pulled out his phone Monjiro came running over, "Hi guys!"

I glared at him.

"Hey, Tanjiro!" Monichi waved at him.

"We were having a conversation and you interupted it." I said plainly.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's fine, it wasn't an important conversation anyway."


"If it's okay with you, Tanjiro, can you take a picture of me and Inosuke?"

"Of course!" Monichi handed Monjiro his phone. Why does Monichi trust HIM with his phone??

Monichi put his arm around my shoulder and I screamed, "What are you doing?!!"

"Uh.. posing for the picture?"

"Oh. Okay." I skeptically let him do it.

After Monjiro finished taking the picture Monichi invited him over to take one with us...

He put his arm around Monjiro, too.

"Hey, Inosuke, you seem to be glaring in this picture. Can you try to smile?" Monjiro asked me.

Oh no! He caught me glaring at him. I smiled so wide so I would look so happy.

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