Chapter 53

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Inosuke's POV:


I woke up to the feeling of me being suffocated, so I flipped out of my bed and landed hard onto the floor.

I sat up, grasping my chest, trying to catch a breath, but I couldn't breathe.

'Why isn't my body working!?' I thought to myself desperately.

I never got to kiss Moni- nevermind I did kiss Monichi! But, I'll never be able to kiss Monjiro if I die now!

Wait- Monjiro? Why would I think that...

I looked down and saw his signature green colored clothing on my body.

Was this why I couldn't breathe? Why am I wearing this!?

I quickly unzipped the jacket and threw it off of me as fast as I could.

How does anyone sleep while being so constricted like that?!

I took one big deep breath in and jumped to my feet, "I LOVE BREATHING!"

Then I realized that I wasn't wearing my boar mask, where did that go?

I looked around the room and found a bag from that amusement park I went to with Monichi and Monjiro.

I opened it and my mask looked like it was nice and neatly put into there, it even looked like someone had tried to brush the hair on it?

So I yanked it out and ruffled it up till it looked just as old as it is!

That's when it hit me, when Monjiro's mom brought me here last night I just went to sleep.

My eyes gazed over at the green jacket on the floor, I should probably return that.

He must be worried sick like, 'Oh no, my poor jacket! Where has it fled?' Or 'I lent it to my dearest Inosuke, I must find him right away!'

Yup, he definitely wants me. I mean- wants me to bring it back.

Maybe I can hunt him down before school... He's really easy to track.

Or I can be his hero in FRONT of Monichi! That would totally make him jealous and then he'll break up with Monjiro, and Monichi will date ME instead!!!

Wait- no- I mean Monjiro will date me! Or do I mean Monichi?

Ugh! This is too confusing! Why can't I just date them both-


"Aha! Lord Inosuke's new greatest idea!" I shouted outloud, "I'll be like Lord Tengen and have multiple girlfriends!!"

With a royal and determined laugh I pulled my boar mask on and started to make a very flashy journey to school.

I went as fast as I could so I can talk to them before classes started, I went a little too fast and I ended up fifty-ish minutes early and had to pace around to wait.

When other students finally decided to show up, I climbed a tree to get an good lookout for them.

I began to get bored and my legs were getting tired from sitting in the same position. Are these two always almost late? What do they even do, take the scenic route? Stop to smell the roses?

Once I spotted their yellow and green shirts I jumped down from the tree.

"AY!" Monichi screamed and grabbed onto a startled Monjiro. "What were you doing up there?!"

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