Epilogue pt. 1

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Tanjiro's POV:

I can't believe it's been eight years since I met Zenitsu and Inosuke... It feels like just yesterday when I bumped into them infront of our old school.

Memories came flooding back to me as I stood there thinking about my boyfriend's and what our future will hold.

That made me tighten the grip I had on the small box that laid in my hand as I started to sweat profusely.

This has to be perfect.

"Big brother!"

I was jutted out of my thoughts as I heard my sister's voice call for me from the doorway.

"Hi Nezuko." I turned around to see her running to me as I chuckled, "Come to wish me luck?"

"Knowing those two, you won't need it." Before continuing, she gave me a hug, which I returned happily, "But, of course I did."

I smiled at her, "Thank you, you're the best."

She gasped, which caused me to jump a little, then she pointed at the fist I was making and shouted excitedly, "Is that it?! Can I see them?"

I held out my hand to her as my cheeks started to flush a light pink color, you'd think after all this time I wouldn't get flustered so easily, but we are talking about Inosuke and Zenitsu so...

I opened the box gently and handed it to Nezuko. Her eyes lit up when she saw the two rings that were sitting in the velvet interior.

She let out a small exhale, "They're beautiful, big brother."

I nodded to her then asked worriedly, "Do you think they'll like them?"

"Duh! They obviously will!" She snapped the box shut and placed it back in my hands, "Well- Inosuke might not even know what it is..."

We both laughed, "I thought about that, let's just hope he understands the important part."

"You and Zenitsu will be able to explain, so don't worry-" Nezuko exclaimed as she checked her phone, "Oh, shoot. You gotta go, brother! You're gonna be late for your date!"

I jumped in a panic, "See how worried I am?! I lost track of time on one of the most important days of my life!"

Running around, I got my things as quick as possible then zoomed out the door with Nezuko following close behind.

When I made it to my car I started patting down my suit jacket. Where are they?!

"Forgetting something?" Nezuko rolled her eyes playfully and tossed two things to me, "How are you supposed to propose without the rings?"

"Guess I can't drive there without my keys either, thanks." She waved me off as I got in my car.

"Good luck, I love you big brother."

"I love you too, Nezuko."

I started driving down the road, making my way to the set destination I suggested.

Neither of them should know what's going on, so they're probably confused, or just wondering what I have in store for this 'date'.

I can't wait to see the look on their faces when I ask the question.

Inosuke's POV:

Where the heck is Monjiro?!

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