Chapter 43

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Inosuke's POV:

It's about an hour before Lord Tengen's party and I still haven't found a costume!!

I can't just show up without one or Monichi will make fun of me!

I stomped into my room, disappointed at my failed search, then decided to go through my drawers. There must be SOMETHING I can wear.

I walked over to the dresser and dug through the first drawer, there were just some dumb school uniforms and a half-eaten grilled cheese.

I quickly grabbed the food and took a bite out of it, it's still umai. I threw the rest back in and continued my hunt.

Now onto the second drawer. I opened it up to see there was nothing in there but a picture of Monichi I had stolen from his locker.

Monjiro was in it too, but that was before I cut him out.

I slammed it shut, reminding myself that doesn't matter anymore.

And now I kneeled down to the third drawer and opened it, I wasn't expecting much because the other two weren't helpful for this.

But this time, I think I found something useful.

This is the one I keep my ketchup packets and jelly containers from restaurants in.

A few of them seemed to have popped, don't know what could have caused it, it probably wasn't from when I kicked the dresser over and over again for fun.

But whatever it was, it was perfect.

I lifted the shirt up that was covered with ketchup and jelly. It looked like blood, how much scarier could it get?!

Ha! If I just cover myself in jelly and ketchup then I can be a super scary boar-man!!

I giggled- I mean laughed triumphantly with joy. Monichi and Monjiro will pee their pants when they see me!!

Tanjiro's POV:

"Are you sure you can watch them all?" Our mother asked me.

"Yes!" I said as I held onto Rokuta's hand.

"Are you sure this party is okay for little children?"

"Yeah, look there's more little kids!" I pointed out three girls who were following Shinobu inside.

Mother looked a little more relieved after seeing them and she sighed, "Okay, have fun kids."

"WE WILL!" Hanako and Shigeru shouted excitedly.

"We'll have lots of fun!" Rokuta laughed.

"Can we go inside now, brother?" Takeo asked impatiently.

"Yeah," I said, "Goodbye mother!"

"Goodbye dearies!" She replied and drove off.

"Let's go, let's go!" Hanako tugged on my sleeve.

"I know!" I exclaimed as I led all of my siblings to the front door and as we approached the door swung open.

Tengen was standing there in a flashy pose and shouted "Welco- More kids?!" He sighed. "Come in you guys."

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly apologized, "Were we not allowed to bring them?"

"I mean, you technically are, but everyone is bringing them so it's getting unoriginal."

"So it's okay?" Nezuko asked.

"Yeah, just remember that this isn't a daycare!" Then he grinned at my siblings, "Flamboyant outfits, everyone!"

"Thank you!" Takeo said.

"Brother, what does flun-doi-ant mean?" Rokuta asked me quietly.

Tengen groaned loudly, "You have a lot to teach them, Tanjiro."

"Um... I like your costume." I said awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond to that.

"Excellent taste!" Tengen's costume actually was good, he was dressed as a king. But, I don't think kings wear crowns that are that big or that have sparkles all over it.

After talking to Tengen a little longer we went inside and almost immediately Zenitsu found us.

"Tanjiro!!" He shouted as he practically tackled me.

"Zenitsu!" I yelped and hugged him back, I nearly kissed him on the head before all of my siblings started to hug him too.

"Dance boy- I mean, Mr. Zenitsu!" Rokuta giggled.

"Hi, everyone!" Zenitsu smiled at all of them, "What are your guys' costumes?"

"I'm a ghost!!" Rokuta's costume was just a bed sheet with far too many eye holes in it, I don't think ghosts have six sets of eyes.

"Mine is better than Shigeru's!!" Hanako shouted.

"No, I have the better one!!" He replied to her remark.

Takeo interupted the two of them, "Hanako's a cat, Shigeru's a bunny, and mine is a dog."

"Wow you guys look great!" Zenitsu told them and then turned to me and Nezuko. "What about you two?"

Nezuko nudged me and said, "He's Hansel, and I'm Gretel."

"Very cute." Zenitsu smiled and I my face turned pink.

"Sister, why's brother blushing?" Hanako asked innocently.

Nezuko muffled a laugh, "Good question! Why are you blushing, Tanjiro?"

I really started to blush now, "I-um-uh..."

"It's cause Zenitsu is very cute!" Rokuta stated joyfully.

"I..." I covered my face with my hands. "Yes!"

Now Zenitsu also started blushing, "Thanks... both of you."

Nezuko really started laughing now, leaving Shigeru, Hanako, and Takeo even more confused.

Just then someone walked up behind us and put their arms around me and Zenitsu.

"What are we laughing at???" I turned to see Inosuke and I jumped at the sight of him.

All my siblings screamed in terror as they saw what he was wearing.

"Inosuke?! Why are you covered in blood!!?" I shouted in a scared tone.

"It's not blood, see?" He licked his arm and said "Umai."

"BROTHER, THAT MAN IS DRINKING BLOOD!!!" Shigeru yelled at me.

"I SAID it's not blood!" Inosuke stuck his arm in my brothers face and asked, "Want some?"

As my little siblings all ran behind Nezuko, Zenitsu turned to Inosuke and said "You look like a serial killer!"

He lookes offended at that comment. "You're so dumb Monichi. Why would I kill cereal? I like the Quaker man."

"That's not what I mea- nevermind." Zenitsu sighed, "What are you even dressed as?"

"What are YOU dressed as?? Are you in your pajamas?!"

He frowned, "I'm Pikachu."

Inosuke clearly didn't know who he was so he nodded condesendingly. "Suuuuure. Well I'm myself if I went on a murder spree!"

"..." Zenitsu didn't respond.

Inosuke did indeed look like he went on a murder spree, his boar mask was matted with raspberry jelly and his chest was covered in ketchup-y handprints.

"Isn't that a little scary Inosuke?" I asked.

"It's supposed to be scary!" Inosuke laughed. "You're just a scaredy cat!"

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