Chapter 30

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Tanjiro's POV:

I walked home by myself in a daze. The last five minutes were just a blur.

After me and Zenitsu... kissed we kind of just stared at eachother for a minute then Zenitsu said that he had to go home.

So we said goodbye not quite awkwardly, but not as we usually would.

I'm not really sure if I'm the person Zenitsu has a crush on... but it was a mutual kiss... soooooo...

"Brother, what took you so long? That was like a ten minute walk, you took like thirty five!" Nezuko opened the front door as soon as I stepped on the porch.

"We got... lost." I said patheticly. I'm not very good at lying.

"Sure... It's time for bed, everyone else is already sleeping."

"Oh I gotta go change real quick!"

As I was about to leave Nezuko said, "What happened to your suit jacket?"

I froze.


I blushed. "Uhhhh."

Nezuko sighed. "Do you actually like him?"

"W-what makes you think that?!" I laughed nervously.

She looked at me seriously. "I have to tell you something."

"D-do you like him, too?" I asked her sadly. Why does everyone have a crush on him?

"What? No!" Nezuko quickly said. "It's about someone else liking him."


"Yes... But it's more then that."

"It's okay, Zenitsu doesn't li-"

"Him and Zenitsu kissed."

"W-what?" I'm so dumb! How could I even begin to think that Zenitsu liked me? He must've been lying when I asked him about Ino-

"Stop overthinking!" Nezuko interrupted my string of thought and quickly explained a little more. "Well, Inosuke kissed Zenitsu, Zenitsu slammed the door in his face."

"He what?" So maybe I have a chance after all!

"I didn't get all the details or anything, but Zenitsu definitely did not agree to do it!"

Did Zenitsu feel the same way about us? Did he just not have a door to slam this time? Did I just ruin our friendship??

Nezuko must've been able to tell that I was spiraling again, cause she snapped to get my attention then she said, "Don't worry about it, I thought you should have a heads up, just incase."

"How could I not worry about this? Especially after-" I cut myself off.

"After what?" Nezuko asked curiously.

"I-what-nothing!" I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. "I have to get dressed now!"

"You never even answered where your jacket went!" Nezuko called after me.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" I yelled, running upstairs.

Zenitsu's POV:

It was the next day after... what happened..

It was different from the Inosuke thing, cause this time I actually... liked it.

I'm a little nervous to see Tanj, what if when he got home he realized that it was a mistake? But.. what if the crush he was talking about.. is me?

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