Chapter 50

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Zenitsu's POV:

I'm so embarrassed that I barfed all over Tanjiro...

And now it's even worse that him and Inosuke want these dumb pictures of me being a huge baby!

He said it was CUTE.

It's not cute!!

Not only that, he said INOSUKE was cute, TOO. He probably didn't mean it- but I'm feeling jealous once again.

I just stood there, waiting for the photos to be printed while Tanj and Inosuke went off to find him a new shirt.

The only reason he's with him is because he can't be trusted to do this, and he has no money.

But, still! I don't even want these pictures. Yet, I'll still do it for Tanjiro...

Once the lady handed me the three photos I carefully held onto them and went off to look for my boyfriend and our third wheel.

I decided to text Tanjiro and ask where they were, but he just replied by sending selfies of him near some gift shop.

That really didn't help.

He didn't leave too long ago so it must be around here somewhere..?

I found a map and looked at where all the gift shops are, there actually aren't that many, and there's only one near me, so they have to be there.

As I made my way towards the gift shop I heard some lady yelling about a pig creature who ran full speed into her.


I changed directions and walked over to her, I'm guessing he ran right past here, so there's no use in checking this shop.

"Um.. excuse me ma'am?" I tried to get the woman's attention.

"Did you see it, too?? Th-the monster ran me over!!"

"No, I didn't see it. But do you know which way he went?"

"You think I saw??? He knocked me over and I faceplanted into the ground!"

I yelped, "I'm sorry! Uh- bye!" I quickly ran off in the direction I assumed he ran off in.

This is no use, why does he have to be so annoying?!

Tanjiro's POV:

When we left Zenitsu to finish getting the pictures I had a great idea!

"Hey, Inosuke! Let's go buy something for Zenitsu!"

"But his shirt isn't ruined."

"I- I know, I mean as a present." I tried to explain the concept to him.

"Oh, okay." He thought for a moment then said, "Can you buy me something, too?"

It's not that I don't want to buy him something, it's just, I'm not made of money and I left most of mine at home, anyways...

But, I can't exactly say no because that's rude, so I'll divert the question.

"Well, I bet I can find him a better present than you."

Inosuke narrowed his eyes at me, "Did you just say you're better than me?"


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