Chapter 2

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A month before the incident…

“Hey! You punks! The teacher’s already in front of you! Hey! Settle down! Choi Yeonjun gets your fucking feet off the table! Listen! You have a new classmate. Please introduce yourself.”

The transferee suddenly feared the attention he’s getting but he still slimed at them. Some doesn’t give a damn, some are listening and there’s specific guy who’s looking at him intently.

“Hello everyone! My name is Choi Soobin! Nice meeting you all!” he tried himself to sound energetic.

Some student smiles at him back and claps while others are already predicting what will happen to the new guy and that made Choi Soobin feel anxious to his new school.

“Okay Mr. Choi, take that seat beside him so I can start the attendance,” the teacher instructed and pointed the empty seat beside a guy student.

Soobin nods and then take the seat. His seatmate just smile at him for a second before proceeding to look outside the window like he doesn’t care about the new presence beside him.

“He’s so tall, I want to smack him down for some reason,” Kim Chul, one of the bullies of the room laughs as he gestured punching the air.

The other one laughs in whisper. “He looks like a wimp!” Lee Taemin agrees.

The one beside him named Choi Yeonjun just yawned after looking at the new guy and stood up as he grip his bag.

“W-where are you going?” Chul asked him in surprise.

Yeonjun didn’t reply and just started walking out.

“Hey! Punk! Where are you going!? I’m about to start my class!” the old teacher shouted and all the attention gained by Yeonjun.

Choi Soobin looked back and saw the tall, dark haired, cold guy standing behind and just bluntly looking at the teacher in front. “Fuck yourself,” Yeonjun cursed and proceed on walking away then slam the door.

The teacher just dramatically sighs and shook his head as he starts his lesson because he knows he can’t stop that student anymore or should we put, he doesn’t want to find himself in a danger.

“What an asshole,” Soobin whispered before sitting properly and was about to take his notebook out from his bag when he paused as he noticed his seatmate looking at him.

“You’re not even sitting in there for 10 minutes and you want to get yourself dead already,” his seatmate stated and then went on a sleeping position.

“W-why? I’m sorry. I didn’t say that out loud, right?” Soobin whispered to himself and his seatmate didn’t bother answering him.

The first class went smooth and it ended well. Soobin also noticed that his ‘asshole’ classmate didn’t comeback anymore. He just shook his head and pulled almond milk from his bag and sips on it.

“I’m Choi Beomgyu—“

“You startled me!” Soobin reacted and looks at his seatmate who just woke up right after the class ended. “N-nice to meet you, Beomgyu,” he continued.

“I don’t really wanna say this but you really need to know as well,” Beomgyu stated and sit up properly.

Soobin puts down the boxed drink and looked at Beomgyu, interestingly. “W-what is it?”

“That scary guy you just said who’s asshole is Choi Yeonjun, he’s a topdog. You already know what it means, right? So don’t mess up with him and just study alone. He’s in a good mood right now because he won his battle against the other kid which he sent to hospital. So, don’t even look at him,” Beomgyu warned him.

Soobin was taken aback and his eyes started shaking and he looks away. “A-ah, thanks about that Beomgyu,” Soobin just replied and smiles at him.

“He beats up student, fuck girls and— hey, to scare you a bit more, he has this fling who is about to debut as a K-Pop idol but he found out that the girl used him for fame. The girl didn’t know that Yeonjun filmed one of their nights together and he sent the video to the company, the girl dropped out from school and she’s nowhere to find,” Beomgyu storied.

Soobin’s jaw dropped as he gasped from what he just heard. “H-he really did it?”

“Yep! That’s why be careful not to lay your eyes on him. If he finds you annoying, he’ll beat you to death and do worst,” Beomgyu warned the second time. “That’s all, I’m going to sleep again.”

Soobin started grabbing his nails in a secret manner below his table as he felt anxiousness. He transferred school because of the same reason and he doesn’t know that it will be the same thing again.

“B-but Beomgyu, why are the teacher letting him?” Soobin whispered.

“His dad is a chief police and his mom is a great juvenile lawyer,” Beomgyu said and peaked on Soobin. “Do you think it’ll work?”

Soobin shook his head. “N-no.”

“Yep! That’s why be careful. Ah right, do you know basic self-defense? You should at least know some blocking techniques or you’ll die. I learned judo because of the bullying in here, I’m not that good at fighting but at least I can defend myself,” Beomgyu added.

“I-is that really that serious?” Soobin asked.

Beomgyu gets up and went closer to Soobin’s ear to whisper, “Super serious that it can kill you.”

Soobin’s heart started beating fast after Beomgyu said it. He suddenly stands up that made Beomgyu startled and he looked confusedly to Soobin. “Why?” he asked.

“I-I’ll just go to comfort room,” Soobin said and excused himself.

Beomgyu just shook his head and went back to his sleeping position. “Oh!” he suddenly realized something. “I hope he won’t use that cubicle… or he’ll be in real trouble.”

Soobin arrived at the male’s comfort room. He went to the sink and immediately opens the faucet then washes his face to get back to reality. Some memories are flashing in his mind that causes him to feel his insides running wild and is about to vomit.

He closed the faucet and then mindlessly pushed a certain cubicle at the last right side and all the digested food that he wants to throw up went back to his stomach when he saw his classmate sitting on the covered bowl.

Choi Yeonjun with his pants off and a black haired girl kneeling in front of him, sucking his thing. Yeonjun with his casual sharp eyes stared at Soobin who’s also staring at him in wide eyes.

“Are you just going to stand in there or you’re going to join in?”

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