Chapter 16

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“Let me cook first because I’m hungry

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“Let me cook first because I’m hungry.”

Soobin finally breaths when Yeonjun went away from him and he followed him to the kitchen. “You should take a shower and rest first, I’ll cook,” Soobin presented.

“You know how to cook?” Yeonjun asked, judging him.

“Of course!”

Yeonjun chuckles, “Okay, I’ll leave you here first,” Yeonjun agreed and went inside the restroom.

Soobin started cooking an easy soup depending on what are the available ingredients. He knows how to cook because he’s always with his mom and he always observes things.

Yeonjun went out of the restroom wearing a boxer and a toptank shirt and Soobin’s also done preparing the table. Both of them take a seat and started eating.

“Soobin, can you tell me why did you transfer school?” Yeonjun asked him.

“A-ah, my mom has a new work around here, that’s why,” Soobin casually replied.

“Your dad is a congressman, I don’t think your mom will still work. Why are you lying?” Yeonjun caught him.

Soobin slowly put down his utensils. “I just hate the former school, it’s toxic and all,” Soobin replied. “I just hate it so much,” he continued.

“Were they bullying you in there?” Yeonjun asked.

Soobin took seconds before answering. “I’m not really sure,” Soobin just replied, usurely. “Anyways, I don’t want to think about it. How about you? Why are you being mean to everyone?” Soobin asked him instead.

“I just hate them too,” Yeonjun simply replied, shrugging his shoulders.

Soobin nods, “I understand,” he responds.

They continued eating and talks more about stuffs. Yeonjun changed the topic because he saw Soobin’s feeling uncomfortable with the topic about his former school.

“Soobin, what do you want me to do tonight?”

Soobin froze from unfolding the blanket he’s holding when Yeonjun asked him such question as closes the door, he usually locks it but he didn’t this time.

“I-I told you to do whatever you want,” Soobin replied trying to maintain his composure.

Yeonjun suddenly turns off the lights, leaving the blue lights on his ceiling. He then walks towards Soobin, he holds both of his shoulders and made him sit on the bed.

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