Chapter 4

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“Soobin! Why are you leaving me alone? Soobin don’t you—“

Soobin wakes up with his cold sweats and a nightmare. He quickly opens the window to let the fresh air went in. He breathes in and out to calm himself then he gets up from his bed to start his day at school.

Choi Soobin did what Beomgyu and Yeonjun said to him. He went to school like no one can see him and just study peacefully. Sometimes the bullies, Chul and Taemin, tease him but he just lets them so that it won’t cause any more trouble.

“Choi Soobin, does anyone already told you that you look like a doll? So beautiful.”

Not until Park Hansol arrived at their school. His classmate that went for a month detention after harassing one of the female students. Park Hansol is the only rival of Yeonjun in fighting.

“Y-yes? Ah well, no?”

Hansol smiles and move closer to Soobin. Their classmates are just looking at them in silence. Beomgyu at Soobin’s back is tensed and Yeonjun at the back row is just reading a stupid book, not giving a damn about what’s happening.

“Then now you know, okay? See you around, Doll,” Hansol said before leaving the clueless Soobin alone and left the room.

And that scenario caused the students to create gossips and their face is evidently in disappointment. After that a continues sound of popping message sound has been heard inside the room.

“H-hey look,” Beomgyu poked Soobin’s arm with his elbow and showed his screen. “This is the whole school’s chatroom and someone uploaded your picture with Hansol saying you’re he’s new past time,” Beomgyu stated. “S-should I add you in here?”

Soobin just sighs and his shoulders fall down. He didn’t expect things to turn out like this. He just looked down and started playing with his fingers while Beomgyu continued to say encouraging words to him.

“Where’s my ₩5000?” Chul asked Taemin while with his open hand.

“Tsk!” Taemin hissed and pulled a bill then put on the other’s hand. “I thought he’s not going to like Trashbin at all,” Taemin commented and sighs.

“Hey, I already knew the moment I saw him. Just look at Trashbin, perfectly Hansol’s type HAHAH! Thanks for this ₩5000 by the way,” Chul laughs and wave the money.

Yeonjun casually turn the next page of the book he’s reading while listening to everyone’s murmurs. He paused from reading another word and move his gaze on Soobin who’s his seatmate is busy making him feel fine.

“Chul, Taemin,” Yeonjun called the two.

“Yes boss?”

“Be ready, we’re going to send Park Hansol back to hell.”

“W-who is Park Hansol?” Soobin asked and they decided to eat lunch outside the cafeteria because there are so much eyes looking at him.

“Yeonjun’s rival. They really hate each other and they always cause trouble. Hansol always have this someone he can play with can be a girl or a boy. He’s going to treat that person like his and then dumped when he find a new one,” Beomgyu explained and sips on his yogurt.

“T-then why me?”

Beomgyu shrugged his shoulder and sadly looked at Soobin. “I don’t know Soob, I don’t really know. Since he’s crazy and all and only Yeonjun can really smack him down. When Hansol harassed the girl last time, it was Yeonjun who beat him to death,” Beomgyu explained.

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