Chapter 32

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"Why did you buy a cake?"

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"Why did you buy a cake?"

"Seriously, you don't know what's today?" Yeonjun asks him with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Soobin thinks for a second. He knows it's familiar date but he can't remember it properly. What's the occasion and why's Yeonjun so serious about it?

They are inside Yeonjun's unit, alone, with a small box of cake on the table and they are sitting across each other. Yeonjun's not in his mood and is about to explode any minute while Soobin's anxious and nervous, he can't calm himself.

"Open it," Yeonjun ordered.

Soobin just nods and pulled the tie at the top of the box then slowly opens it. His throat go dry, his hands shakes uncontrollably, his eyes began to water. He suddenly lost all his strength and fall off the floor.

How can he forget this day?

"It's his birthday, right? I really wanted to celebrate it with him but he's not here anymore and you know what happened, right Choi Soobin?"

"N-no... No. I-it wasn't m-my fault. I-I... I d-din't... I tried e-everything-"

"What?" Yeonjun scoffs and went to Soobin, he bents down to be on the same level and he grabs Soobin's collar. He looks at him with so much ranged. "It's not your fault? Asshole!"

Yeonjun throws a punch at Soobin and Soobin just takes it while crying. Another hit and hit and hit come on Soobin's face but he didn't protect himself. He thought he deserves it.

"Tell me! Say it! Why!? Why did you let it happen!? Why Choi Soobin!? Why did you let my brother die when you like each other? Why!?"

Soobin cut and numb lips parted when he heard Yeonjun said 'brother'. He couldn't believe it. Now, he finally realizes why Yeonjun looks familiar and he already saw him before. Now, what Yeonjun said before that he deserves to get hurt, makes sense and the 'date' that they did earlier finally makes sense as well.

"Y-you're Lee Jaemin's older brother?"

"Yes, I am. I am the brother of the kid that likes you so much, who got bullied so bad and you didn't do anything despite of authority that you have. I-if... If you just protected him... If you j-just... he wouldn't die, Soobin."

Warm tears landed on Soobin's cheek coming from Yeonjun who's above him. The older lets go of him and walks distant from him. Soobin is still on the floor couldn't move, he just suddenly feels weak.

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