Chapter 33

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A flashback of what really happened...

"These kids don't really learn their lessons."

I looked at where my friends, Karyll, is referring to and I saw Yul's group beating up and extorting a junior again. "Leave them be," I just replied and drinks my water.

"You're really heartless!" Karyll commented. "They found out that the kid likes boys so they made fun of him. Seriously, what's wrong with that?" she frustratedly exhaled.

"Who's that?" I asked looking at another kid coming on the bullies' way.

"Damn, it's Lee Jaemin. You know he's really kind but he's so fucked up sometimes. Look, he'll try to help that kid and they receive the beating instead," Karyll explained.

I didn't reacted and just look at Yul laughs and lets go of the kid then started putting their attention on Jaemin. I don't know what gotten into me that I stood up from where I am sitting and went to their direction.

"W-wait! Let's talk this out! Y-you know it's not bad liking s-someone—"

"HAHAHA! That's so disgusting! Are you a faggot too!?" Yul interrupted what Jaemin's saying and was about to throw a fist when I held his wrist.

"Stop it," I said, calmly yet cold.

"S-Soobin," he stuttered. "We're just having fun," he reasoned.

"Do I look like I care?" I replied and pushed his hands away then looked at the junior named Lee Jaemin. "Are you stupid?" I asked him and walk back to Karyll.

"Wow Choi Soobin! What is this? Character development!?" she teased me as we walks back to our class and laughing so hard.

"Shut up," I just hissed.

Everyday after that, I just see Jaemin getting into trouble. He always act like a moderator but ended up getting beaten because he won't just chill his ass out and it's actually stressing me because I always see him doing that.

"Why don't you try some business, Jaemin?" I asked him, looking down on him because he's beat up on the empty hallway and I'm leaning against the wall.

He tried to gets up, "W-what business?"

"Mind your own business," I answered. "It's not that bad, you know?" I suggested.

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