Chapter 9

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“I'll be assigning you in sports events, Soobin

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“I'll be assigning you in sports events, Soobin. In what event do you want? It’s better if you’ll focus in one game.”

“I’ll be at the gymnasium 3, Taehyun,” Soobin replied.

“Badminton? Okay that’s noted. Thank you so much, Soobin for participating,” Taehyun expressed his gratitude and smiles.

After that Soobin walks out from the SSC room and went to cafeteria where Beomgyu’s waiting for him. Soobin placed his tray on the table and started eating.

“How was it? Where did he assign you?” Boemgyu asked not giving a glance at Soobin because he is busy eating his food.

“I’ll document badminton,” Soobin casually replied.

“That’s where Yeonjun is, you’ll be okay with that?” Beomgyu asked.

“O-of course, why not? What’s Yoenjun anything to do with this?” Soobin acted normal like they don’t have any ‘thing’ going on between them.

“Well, you’re right. Let’s just eat, we need to study for our quiz,” Beomgyu just replied.

“But you know, I didn’t expect Taehyun to be the president of the SSC especially he is not a senior,” Soobin commented.

Beomgyu gulps his water first before answering. “Seniors in here can’t be the president because we need to study. Also, it’s not impossible because he’s a teacher’s pet and his family owns this school,” Beomgyu explained.

“Really!?” Soobin reacted in surprise. “Wow, he’s a big shot!” he added.

“Says by someone who’s a son of a Congressman,” Beomgyu laughs at Soobin.

“Hey, shut up! Don’t let other know that,” Soobin slightly glare at Beomgyu and continued eating.

“So that’s why you’re letting them bully you, huh? Because you need to protect your dad’s name? While the others act tough if they are a child of someone powerful,” Beomgyu stated.

“Well, it works differently. I d-don’t really want trouble because I don’t want my parents to get stressed about it. I’ll deal it with my own,” Soobin replied and smiles.

“Goodness this guy,” Beomgyu chuckles. “But I’ll do the same tho? That’s why I’m not messing up with them. I’d rather mess up with someone smart and who knows how to hide things well,” Beomgyu smirked and looked at someone behind Soobin.

“Who?” Soobin wondered and look behind him and he found Huenungkai and Taehyun with their tray. Their eyes meet and they smile and wave at each other. “What do you mean by that?” Soobin replied back to Beomgyu.

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