Chapter 14

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“Welcome to XX 8th School Festival! Enjoy the rest of the day! Thank you and one again welcome students and visitors!”

The opening program ended with a warm welcome and the events happened. Soobin have his camera’s strap hanging around his neck while holding the camera itself.

“Okay! 1…2…3 smile!” he pressed down the button and looks at it. “Oh! It’s good! You guys are so cute. Let’s make a lot of money today!” he cheered his classmates on the booth and they all clapped.

“You’re going to stay here?” Beomgyu asked Soobin.

“Yeah, badminton’s games will start at afternoon. I’ll help you guys here first. How about your contest?” Soobin asked.

“Later afternoon too, after lunch,” Beomgyu replied. “You’ll watch, okay?”

“Of course!” Soobin assured and smile. “There are really so much students from the outside,” he commented as he looks at the different uniform.

“Yeah, it’s always like that—“

“Hey guys, have you seen Yeonjun? We needs him here,” their classroom president interrupted everyone but no one answered.

“Hey, does Yeonjun help here during this time?” Soobin asked Beomgyu.

“Surprisingly, yes,” Beomgyu answered. “But he’s just standing there or sitting not minding everyone. We just need him to attract the other student. Since he’s a well-known topdog to all high school in here, he’s mostly one of the reasons why students are visiting here,” Beomgyu explained.

“Wait, could it mean as well that they might beat up him!?” Soobin exclaimed feeling a little worried.

Beomgyu chuckles. “Don’t worry, they don’t— ah no, they can’t.  What I meant is all the female students are here to see him,” Beomgyu corrected and he noticed Soobin’s sigh of relief. “Why? Are you worried about him?”

“M-me? No. I’m just thinking what if they’ll all cause trouble. Anyway, I’ll leave you this camera first and I’ll look for him. Okay?”

“Okay! Find him well!” Beomgyu laughs while holding the camera. “Guys! Look here!”

Soobin went back to the main building with his straight face even if both outsiders and his schoolmates are looking at him. Some finds him tall and attractive while some knows him because of the bullying that happened to him.

He’s on the main entrance of the building when he saw two guys peaking inside the building since they are not allowed to enter in there. “Excuse me, how may I help you—“ Soobin stopped when he realized the boys’ school uniform.

Right, how in the world could he forget something he used to wear before?

“Oh! I-it’s Soobin.”

“He’s r-really here— ah! Hello, w-we’re about to go anyway.”

Soobin just looked away as they recognized him and he clearly heard how the two stuttered while talking to him. “Please go to the field and enjoy the event, thank you,” Soobin said and smiled forcedly at them.

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