Chapter 12

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“H-how did you get in here?”

“Stop thinking about it,” Yeonjun replied. “Just tell me if you’re already good to stand up and if you want to eat,” he continued.

“Thank you Yeonjun...” Soobin muttered and rest his head on the older’s shoulders.

Yeonjun squeezes his hand and they kept quiet. The next Yeonjun knew is Soobin’s already sleeping. That’s when he knew Soobin’s really a weak one.

He carried him to his bed in a bridal style, he removes his shoes and his coat then covered him with the blanket. Then Yeonjun received an incoming call so he clears his throat first.

“Hello, ma’am? I’m here with Soobin, you don’t need to worry. He’s already sleeping.”

[Oh Yeonjun, I thought you have plans to do?]

Yeonjun purses his lips and looked at Soobin. “Well... it’s fine, ma'am. Like you said, Soobin hates being alone,” he chuckles.

[O-okay. But it’s weird that he’s already asleep at this early time. Surely he’ll wake up at midnight. He’ll eat ramyeon when he wakes up so please Yeonjun, can you cook one for him?]

Yeonjun couldn’t hide his laughs anymore. “Yes, ma’am. Don’t worry about it.”

Soobin being an only child, it’s already understandable that they are babying him. When the call ended he turns off his phone and slid on his back so he won’t receive any calls again— especially from Hueningkai.

Yeonjun just takes a seat while looking at Soobin who’s now sleeping. He saw a tear escaped from his eyes so he quickly brushed it.

He doesn't cry that much because he's really emotionally strong but when he does I love it because I can comfort him. He’s always having nightmares and I’m always there to hug him. It really helps since he loves hug so much. So if he cries and feels really vulnerable, I always hug him...

Yeonjun remembered a story. He sighs again before taking off his coat and went beside Soobin. He extended his arms and completely hugs him. Soobin automatically hugs him back as he found it warm and comforting.

“I’m out of my mind,” Yeonjun whispered to himself especially when he saw Soobin smile a little.

Yeonjun’s awake the whole time and before midnight came he slowly get off from the bed and went to their kitchen and he started looking for the pack of ramyeon but he stops when he heard some sobs.

He quickly went back to Soobin’s room and he saw him looking outside the open window while hugging both of his knees and he’s crying again.

“Puppy,” he called, voice is sweet and welcoming.

Soobin turn his head and he saw Yeonjun. “Hey! I-I thought you… y-you left!” Soobin shouted at him.

Yeonjun get on the bed and hugged Soobin. “I’m at the kitchen, I didn’t left,” Yeonjun whispered.

Soobin eventually stops crying as the older hugs him. For he doesn’t know reason he can really feel peace. Here he is again getting confused in Yeonjun’s attitude.

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