Chapter 54

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Minutes before the accident...

"Why isn't he still here yet?"

Taehyun's been blowing his cheeks simultaneously while tapping his black boots on the ground. He decided to look around and he saw a familiar car going away.

"Oh! Beomgyu—" he stopped when it's already away.

Taehyun quickly look for a taxi and decided to follow Beomgyu's car. It's raining outside and he suddenly felt worried for some reason. Then the cab stops that made him wonder.

"Excuse me, why did you stop?" Taehyun asks.

"I'm not sure, sir but I think there's a traffic accident that happened in front," the driver said while trying to peak on the car at their friend.

"Fuck," Taehyun cursed and pulled a bill. "Here's my pay, I'll get off," he said and started walking away in the rain.

He runs and he saw a truck in the middle of the street and its front is badly damaged. He then saw an ambulance rushing towards the direction and Taehyun's eyes widen when he saw the familiar car that's completely flipped over.

"W-what the hell..."

Taehyun mindlessly walk towards the scene and he covered his mouth when he saw the responders dragging someone out of the car— it's Beomgyu, bathing in his own blood.

"B-Bae... Bae- Beomgyu!" he shouted and went towards them.

His shaky hands tried to touch Beomgyu. "Excuse me, are you his relative?" the responder asks.

"He's my fiancé," Taehyun answered in tears.

"We should send him to the hospital, you can come with us," the responder replied and they get on the ambulance.

Taehyun's crying while holding Beomgyu's hand. There's oxygen in Beomgyu's mouth and nose, he's still breathing. "B-Bae... can you hear me?" he asks, voice is cracked.

"Beomgyu you asshole, you can't die!" Taehyun growl, holding Beomgyu's hand so tight.

Taehyun saw Beomgyu's eyes open and their eyes meet. "H-hey, I'm here. I'm here," Taehyun said, looking intently at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu smiles, "S-so pretty..."

"Hey! I know it! S-stop talking, save your breath," Taehyun yelled and wipe his tears.

"I love you, my wife," Beomgyu muttered, tears escaped from his eyes as he smiles at Taehyun.

"I love you too... so please... please live Beomgyu... We're going to get married, right? Please... P-please, Bae— Choi Beomgyu!"

The responder check Beomgyu's pulse and breathing when his vitals suddenly dropped. Taehyun cried really hard while he's letting the responders do their work to keep Beomgyu's breathing.

They reached the hospital and Beomgyu was rushed on the ER and they started perfoming CPR. Taehyun stood there, praying for Beomgyu's life. Hands are clasp while crying so hard then he saw the doctor stopped doing their work.

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