Chapter 5

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“Come here you bitch! How dare you cling on that bastard, huh!?”

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“Come here you bitch! How dare you cling on that bastard, huh!?”

Soobin flinched when his back hit the wall. “N-no! It’s not what you think, Hansol—“

“Shut up!”

Hansol throw a punch at Soobin’s abdomen that made him cough and kneel on the ground. He grabs Hansol’s hem of uniform for support but another hard slap from the right is what he received.

“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry Hansol! I-I won’t talk to him again. J-just stop it p-please!” Soobin pleaded still gripping on the other’s uniform.

Hansol smirked and squats down to level Soobin’s eye then he caresses Soobin’s face. “Then stop being a slut and just focus on me, you get that?”

Soobin gulps and nods. “Y-yeah. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Soobin apologized while his tears can’t stop from falling from his eyes.

Hansol sweetly smiles at him and his hand travels from Soobin’s cheek to his hair and aggressively pulled it down to make Soobin’s head tilt that made him gasp as well.

“If I saw you talking to him again, I’ll kill you,” Hansol threatened.

“Park Hansol! Let go of Choi Soobin this instant!” an adult’s voice was heard behind them.

Hansol lets go of Soobin’s hair and helped him to stand up. He then smiles, “Ms. Lee! Hello! Soobin and I are just talking,” he reasoned.

Ms. Lee together with Beomgyu beside her walk closer to the two students. Beomgyu saw Soobin’s right face in redness and Soobin just shook his head at him to say not to mind it.

“Are you okay, Soobin? Did he hit you?” Ms. Lee asked Soobin, looking at the kid with concern.

“Of course not, Ms. Lee! Soobin and I are just having fun,” Hansol suddenly butts in while chuckling. “Right, Soobin?”

Soobin looks away first but he felt Hansol’s hand gripping his arm. “Y-yes! It’s not like that, Ms. Lee,” Soobin lied and tried to smile.

“Are you sure?” Ms. Lee asked him again.

“Y-yes, Ms. Lee,” Soobin confirmed.

“Then we’ll head back to class now,” Hansol replied and dragged Soobin out from them.

“Ms. Lee, why did you let him do that?” Beomgyu asked her.

“I-I’m sorry Beomgyu, j-just go back to your class. Take care of your friend.”

Beomgyu just sighs because even the teachers couldn’t handle such attitude already. The teacher left him there and Beomgyu frustratedly kicks the wall of the back of the building.

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