Chapter 8

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"I am so fucked up."

That's the first thing Soobin says as he wakes up and open his window. It's Saturday and he wants to stay inside his room for the whole day. He gets up and was about to go when he saw Yeonjun's red and black checkered school uniform's necktie on his desk.

"I'm so fucking fucked up," he cursed again and then went out to eat breakfast.

"Good morning son! I made pancakes, have some," his mom greeted him so he went to her and hugs her.

"Good morning mom. Should we go visit dad in Ansan?" Soobin asked and takes a sit.

"Your dad's not in there. He has some meeting to do," his mom replied. "And he's still mad about the bullying thing again, so don't see him yet," his mom added.

"Yes mom."

Soobin stay at his room the rest of the day playing games in his computer and having the best of his life. On the other hand Choi Beomgyu's with his outside school friends inside an infamous pub.

"I'll just go out for a smoke," one of his friend excused.

"Dude you're a minor," Beomgyu replied and laughs.

"Law doesn't apply to me," his friend laughs back. "I still have one in here, let's go," he invited Beomgyu and both of them went out.

"That's a cool chick, let me get her number," his friend said as soon as they went out.

Beomgyu just laughs while shaking his head and went to the back area of the pub and he's about to light the cigarette when he saw someone in leather jacket and all black clothes walking towards him so he dragged him.

"What the fuck—Beomgyu? What are you doing?" Taehyun asked and pushed him away.

"I saw someone following you around like a dumbfuck," Beomgyu replied. "Are you still mad at me?" Beomgyu asked, hands on waist, voice sweet.

"What the fuck do you want?" Taehyun asked him and pushed him a bit, feeling annoyed.

"Do you want to smoke?"

Taehyun didn't reply and move closer to Beomgyu whose back is resting against the wall. "I'm kind of frustrated right now, should we go somewhere quiet?" Taehyun suggested.

"As long as you're not going to say it's a mistake, I'm in," Beomgyu replied.

"Follow me."

It's Monday again and Soobin's already prepared to go when his mom called him again. "Son? Look at me first, can you?"

Soobin looks back in confusion. "Why mom?"

"That necktie, is that really yours? I don't think yours isn't that faded yet?" his mom noticed and was about to touch it to check but he hugs his mom.

"Of course it is mine! Bye mom! See you later!"

"O-oh, okay. Take care, son!"

Soobin arrived in their campus and with a heavy feeling. He needs to deal with Yeonjun now everyday and he's wondering where the fuck is the "fun" in what he said.

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