Chapter 51

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“Where’s Taehyun? I thought he’s already here? I miss that kid already!”

“He’s here but he’s out of town again. You know he’s busy doing shits too,” Beomgyu replied and puts down the hot pot on the center of the table and opens the lids.

“You’re lying. Where exactly is he?” Soobin casually replied and holds his utensils.

Beomgyu chuckles, “You got me. I really need to practice acting,” he concluded and takes a seat across Soobin.

Soobin shook his head, “No matter how you act, I can still read you. We’ve been together for over a decade, Gyu. You expect me not to know you?”

“I’m sorry, doc!”

Soobin laughs. “So where is he? When are the three of us going to eat again on one table? Is he for real looking for spouse now?” Soobin curiously asked.

“He’s busy organizing some important stuffs, doc. You’ll know it soon. It’s a surprise! Who know? He might really have a husband soon!” Beomgyu exclaimed and laughs.

“Oh! Okay! I hope he’ll marry someone he deserves!” Soobin agrees. “I hope he’ll find someone who loves him truly,” he added and smiled a bit sad.

Beomgyu grips his utensils when he sees Soobin blankly looking at his plate. He’s afraid again. He’s afraid that if Yeonjun’s really around now and if he meets Soobin, Soobin might collapse again. He doesn’t want it.

“Of course he will! You know Taehyun’s a picky one. He will marry someone he knows who can handle him well,” Beomgyu replied, trying to uplift the mood.

“Yes!” Soobin smiles and then paused for a second. “But wait, aren’t you the only one who can handle him?” Soobin wondered.

Beomgyu gasps and blinks twice. “W-who knows? There’s someone more out there that we don’t know,” Beomgyu fakes a laugh.

Soobin noticed how Beomgyu reacted and that made him think thousands of thoughts but he just choose to ignore it. “Let’s eat! This is so tasty! Thank you for the food!”

It was a hectic day for Soobin and there’s no Beomgyu who will fetch him after his 76 hours of duty. He decided to grab a drink at a convenient store near his condominium.

Everyone knows he’s a light drinker and he’s already dizzy just by the first bottle of soju. He opens his bag and he noticed something inside. “Why are you here?” Soobin mindlessly asked the keychain.

His eyes heated so he shoved back the thing inside and tried to open his phone but it seems like the letters are dancing in his screen and then his phone slipped off.

“Hey!” he yelled to his phone and tried reaching it but someone pick it up and lends to him. “Thank you,” he muttered in his drunken voice and tried to look at the screen again. “Argh! What’s wrong with this— ah!” he throws his phone in annoyance and cried.

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