Chapter 6

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“Are you really going to be okay alone? I really need to go home because it’s my grandma’s death anniversary

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“Are you really going to be okay alone? I really need to go home because it’s my grandma’s death anniversary.”

“I’ll be fine Beomgyu. Good thing Hansol’s absent today and he won’t nag me at all,” Soobin smiles.

Beomgyu ruffles his hair. “I’ll be going now and take care,” Beomgyu said and leave Soobin.

Beomgyu’s on the hallways when he took his phone out to call someone. “Bae, I know I’m at fault but please help him. Thank you. I’ll make it up to you. I’m really sorry.” When he heard the other line agrees, he ended the call and sighs.

“He’ll be fine,” Beomgyu stated and totally walks out.

Soobin started finishing some of his late activities because of Hansol. He managed to finish it and he noticed that it’s already dark outside. He went to the teacher’s office and put his answer sheets then went back to their empty room and he wish he shouldn’t.

“Oh doll, you’re still here? Should we drink tonight?” Hansol invited.

“I… I-I need to go somewhere,” Soobin replied and quickly get his back and was about to run away but Hansol managed to grab his hair and pulled it. “Argh! Fuck let go of me!” Soobin shouted.

“What!? You’re cursing me now!? You bitch!” Hansol forcefully pulled Soobin’s hair and then pushed him on the tables.

Soobin felt the pain at his back when it hits the edge of the table. He still tries to stand up but he receives a kick from the other. “Just stop!” Soobin screamed again and tried to get away.

But again Hansol grabs his hand that made him fall on the floor and Hansol went on his top. “Let’s not make things complicated, should we?”

“G-get off! S-stop! Don’t! Please!” Soobin cried as Hansol started aggressively undressing him and kissing his neck.

Soobin noticed a thick book that falls off from one of the table. He grabs it and then with all his force he slapped it on Hansol’s face then he runs away.

Soobin! Soobin! Help! Please!

A sudden memory flashing through his mind that made him goes dizzy. His phase went slower causing for the other to catch up on him. Hansol pulled the back of his collar and then slam him on the corridor’s wall that made his head bleed.

Does Soobin really deserve this? Does Soobin really need to feel this over and over again? Why?

“Fuck! Just let go of me, asshole!” Soobin throws a sudden kick that made Hansol flew a little further far him and that’s when he started running.

“Bitch! You’re not getting away from me! How dare you kick me!?” Hansol growl and runs towards the other and was able to hold his wrist.

“L-let go of me you, bastard!”

Choi Soobin pushed the older away and run for his life. His eyes are blurry, his head is dizzy and he can also feel the warm blood coming out from his head’s right side.

He runs as fast as he can even if his legs are already numb enough to move. He pushed the dead end door and a cold wind envelops him. His eyes wandered around but couldn’t find any exits already.

He pants and bends himself finding support in his legs and tried to button his open uniform but he suddenly stand straight when he heard the only door opens again and he started panicking when he saw him coming for him.

“What? This is it? This is all you got, Choi Soobin? What a loser.”

“D-don’t come near me, I’m going to kill you!” Soobin threatened and then pulled out the ballpoint pen from his pocket.

“That thing can’t kill me, asshole but,” he paused and run towards Soobin then caught his neck and started choking him.

“L-let go! Fuck!” Soobin growl, trying to pull the other’s hand.

Soobin’s face is turning red already. He can’t breathe properly. He’s also getting pinned on the railing of the rooftop and his upper body is about to fall off already. He knows he’s going to die any minute now.

“You should have just obeyed me, Soobin. You know that I like you so much,” he scoffs he smirks and tightens the grip on Soobin’s neck.

“Argh! H-help! P-please!” Soobin tried to shout. Hoping someone will arrive and save him from the monster.

“Die,” the other muttered. “Die you useless bitch—“

“I already warned you, asshole.”

Soobin falls off the floor while catching his breath. He saw the attacker unconscious on the floor and Soobin slowly tilted his head and saw someone standing up with a baseball bat in his hand and is glaring at him.

“Choi Yeonjun, what are you d-doing here?” Soobin asked while stuttering.

“Saving your ass,” Yeonjun just replied and gently poked the other guy with his feet. “Is he dead?”

“No way!” Soobin shouted and went beside the guy and felt his pulse that is barely beating. “Hey! You could have killed him!” Soobin angrily shouted at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun lets go of the bat, went to Soobin, grabs him by the collar and slam his back against the nearest wall. “If it wasn’t because of me, you could be dead by now,” Yeonjun stated in a serious note.

Soobin held the older’s hand that is grabbing his collar. “Aren’t you fine with that? All your life that’s what you wanted— to make someone suffer,” Soobin stated and let go of the hand. “Kill me, Choi Yeonjun. Make me suffer like you always wanted me to be,” he added, teary eyed.

Yeonjun with his blunt face pulled a knife from his pocket and placed it on Soobin’s neck. “Should I?” he asked.

“Do it, I don’t care,” Soobin agrees.

“That's no fun then,” Yeonjun smirked. “I saved you tonight so your life is mine, you get that? Mine, Choi Soobin. You are mine.”

Choi Yeonjun lets go of him and started walking away after picking up the baseball bat and leave Soobin alone while crying in fear and gladness because he’s still alive.

“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me feeling indebted to you!? Asshole! Choi Yeonjun! Why are you making thing so hard for me!? Why!?”

Choi Yeonjun already went pass by the door but he paused when he heard how Soobin screamed from the school’s rooftop. His face just remained blunt yet angry and continued walking away, taking the stairs.

“You deserve it, Choi Soobin. Now that you’re mine, I’m going to make your life a living hell.”

A/N: Are we all ready?

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