Chapter 26

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"Oh my God! Earth to Soobin!"

"Yes? Yes! Why Beomgyu?" Soobin who's daydreaming looks at his seatmate.

"What's wrong with you? We have a quiz in a minute, let's review," Beomgyu said.

"O-oh yeah right. So the biomolecules—"

"Bud we're having a quiz in History not Chemistry," Beomgyu interrupted.

"Oh, right. Sorry," Soobin apologized and scratch the back of his head.

"Seriously dude, what's happening to you?" Beomgyu asked him. "Remember the presentation last week? You got the lowest grade. You're zoning out in classes and you're almost absent in most of the subject, where have you been going?" Beomgyu seriously asks him.

"I-I'm... I'm losing my sanity, Beomgyu," Soobin stated.

"I knew it—"

"N-no! No, it's not anyone's fault. It's me, I didn't study well, I'm sorry," Soobin replied.

"Keep lying to yourself," Beomgyu said and opens his book, a bit annoyed.

Since Soobin and Yeonjun had started doing it, he's out of his mind most of the time. He'll stare at nowhere and started imagining things with Yeonjun on it— the lewd one. He even considered the one Yeonjun said before about getting fucked while students are seeing them.

Is it that bad?

He knows he's going the wrong way and he hates it but whenever he sees Yeonjun, all he can think is how Yeonjun can dominate him and it turns him on.

Soobin went on a sleeping position and direct his gaze at the back row where he can see Yeonjun listening to Chul and Taemin's nonsense talks. Yeonjun feels the gaze so he turns to see Soobin and he smiles at him.

Soobin felt heated again so he pulled his eyes off him and bury his face on the desk. He feels so stupid. He doesn't even know if Yeonjun really likes him or he's just a freaking past time but the feeling's already clear. How can he stop it?

"Soobin, can I talk to you seriously after class?" Beomgyu said.

Soobin peaked and look at him. "About?"

"Actually, I'm trying to invite you to stay a night at my place," Beomgyu changed his statement.

Soobin sits properly. "Really!? I'd loved too!"

And that happened. By the way, Soobin managed to have a passing score at their history quiz but not that high while Yeonjun got all correct. Seriously, how is he doing it?

Bae, don't come at my place tonight
I'm with Soobin

Sure bae! Have fun!
Don't fuck him, I mean

I'm loyal asf to your hole bae
Keep safe and take care

Beomgyu slid back his phone to his pocket when he saw the car coming towards him. "Oh! You are really, really rich Beomgyu!" Soobin commented.

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