Chapter 53

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“Soobin, calm down. Okay? It’ll turn out fine. Trust me!”

“No Beomgyu… I-I’m… I don’t know! H-he’s back but— but… Oh God! I’ll die today!” Soobin panicked and keep on walking around his office.

“Binnie, can you really love again?” Beomgyu seriously asked Soobin and it made him stop from moving.

“I never un-love him, Beomgyu. So, it’s not again,” Soobin corrected and pursed his lips. “I’ll tell him how much I love him and I will really pursue him no matter what,” he stated.

“Will you be okay? Will you really be okay, Soobin?”

Beomgyu has been worried and afraid that this day will come. He’s been anxious and totally prepared himself to stop Soobin if this day will come but why is he letting him go?

Simple. Beomgyu already gave up his love for Soobin. Beomgyu already accepted the fact that Soobin will never be his. Beomgyu already accepted the fact that Soobin is in love and will always be in love with the guy named Choi Yeonjun.

And he’s finally letting Soobin be happy with Yeonjun.

“Are you that worried?” Soobin asked him with a smile and went closer to him.

Beomgyu fakes a smile. “Not really. I just want you to do what you want. I… I just want you to be with someone… someone you really love the most,” his chest is getting tighter. “I want you to be happy, Soobin.”

“Thank you so much, Beomgyu… for everything. Thank you for keeping me safe everytime, for the love, and care. I… I really appreciate it a lot,” Soobin thanked and holds Beomgyu’s hand.

“Thank you too Soobin… for keeping my secret. You know it, right? You know it since then… but you decided to keep your mouth close. Thank you for keeping me despite of my feelings for you,” Beomgyu stated.

Soobin gasped and hugs Beomgyu. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Beomgyu,” he whispered.

Beomgyu tried his best to stop his tears. “T-thank you,” his voiced cracked and he gasps.

“I love you, Beomgyu… Thank you so much for being a great friend.”

“Soobin,” Beomgyu called him and he holds Soobin’s face with his shaking hands. “I want you to take care of yourself. Whether Yeonjun will love you again or not, please take care of yourself. Make sure to eat a lot. Make sure to not overdo things. M-make sure…” he paused to breathe.

“Make sure Yeonjun will take care of you too. Make sure that… t-that don’t let others hurt you. Make sure to love yourself too before others. Please Soobin? Can you promise me that?”

Soobin nods and smiles while looking at Beomgyu’s teary eyes. “W-why are you like this? I’m not going to leave you, idiot. S-stop making me cry,” Soobin tried to joke.

Beomgyu gently pulled him and kissed Soobin’s forehead. “I love you more Soobin. Please, be with the right person for you. The person that will never hurt you, the person that will always love you unconditionally. The person that will protect you and the person that will stay no matter what. Okay? Please… P-please do it for yourself,” he’s finally crying.

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