Chapter 52

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“No! ‘Cause why the hell did you let a stranger took you home!? Drink this tea!”

“Fine! Fine! I’m—“ Soobin went back to the sink and started vomiting again.

“See! You know I’m at work and I can’t be with you and you still drink!? You can’t even handle your liquor! Are you sure nothing’s been snatched from you? What if that bastard stabbed you and sell all your organs—“

“Beomgyu, aren’t you overreacting a bit? Are you my mom?”

“I am not!” Beomgyu snapped. “Stay here, I’m going to the security,” he added.

“Why? Oh! You’re going to see who took me home? Let me come with you!” Soobin insisted and went closer to Beomgyu.

“No, stay here and take a bath. My goodness, Choi Soobin!” Beomgyu scolded again before going out and leaving Soobin alone in the unit.

Beomgyu went to the security office to find out who took Soobin home and they started rewinding the CCTV last night. “He said, he’s an old acquaintance of Dr. Choi and the way he holds him, I think they are quiet close.”

“Who could it be?” Beomgyu wondered. “Oh, here it is, right?” Beomgyu asks when he saw Soobin at someone’s back waiting for the stranger’s face getting caught by the camera.

“Here’s him, sir,” the security paused when it’s already visible.

Beomgyu gasps and froze. He doesn’t know what to react after seeing that face again and the fact that he was the one who brought Soobin home and for who knows what they talk about while Soobin’s drunk.

“He didn’t stay that long inside Dr. Choi’s unit. He went out right after and he looks a bit sad,” the security noticed and speaks about it.

Beomgyu walks out after it and then went back on Soobin’s room. “Who was it!? Huh? I should thank him! I don’t really remember what happened but I really should thank him!”

“Let’s just eat,” Beomgyu avoided what Soobin asks and went to the kitchen.

“Huh? Hey! Who was that? Oh my God! He’s not a bad guy, right? What if he is? What should I do?” Soobin panicked a bit.

“He is a bad guy so you don’t need to know who he is. Forget about it. You’re already safe,” Beomgyu replied, trying his best to sound blunt and cold.

“O-okay… Yeah, sure.”

“Soobin, are you still thinking of Yeonjun?” Beomgyu suddenly asked.

“Nope! Why would I? So nonsense,” Soobin laughs and sips on his tea, obviously lying but Beomgyu buys it well. “Oh! There’ll be school alumni, we should go together with Taehyun, okay?” Soobin changed the topic.

“I’ll try, you know I’m getting busier,” Beomgyu answered.

“Ey! What a boomer!” Soobin grimaced and laughs. “But same for me, let’s just try,” Soobin added and chuckles before sipping again.

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