Chapter 28

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"Goodnight, Soobin. Enjoy the weekends, okay? Stop thinking about anything and I'm just one call away!"

"Thank you again, Beomgyu. I really appreciate it. See you on Monday," Soobin bid his goodbye and went inside their house.

Soobin stayed inside his dark room with some Bach music playing from his laptop. He's actually having some emotional breakdown. He wanted to cry but nothing's going out already so he just stares at nowhere thinking about how he ended up in that situation.

"I should have just fought back then when Hansol's hitting me, then I wouldn't be in this kind of situation," he whispered and frustratedly covers his face with a pillow and cursed.

But as he closes his eyes, he saw again how that girl sits on Yeonjun's lap and kissing each other. "It should be me," he thought and he slaps himself for thinking about it.

"God! I hate him so much! Why am I feeling this!?" he snapped and takes a seat.

He sighs and thinks again about what happened to them. Mindlessly, he's smiling like an idiot. Remembering those moments like he missed it so much and now he doubts what he did.

Should he just take what he said back? Should he go to Yeonjun and say sorry? He misses him.

Because of those reminiscing that he did, he felt something inside. "Fuck, why?" he muttered a curse, feeling his thing hardened.

He's fucked up.

Saturday, at Beomgyu's room he wakes up due to someone playing a guitar that is producing some weird sounds. He opens his eyes and saw Taehyun reading notes and trying to figure out how to play it.

"Bae, you're doing it wrong. Your index finger is in wrong position," Beomgyu muttered and closed his eyes again.

"Oh, that's why," Taehyun nods and played it again but he just gives up and climbed back to Beomgyu. "Bae! Tell me what happened now!"

"Five minutes..."

"Please! Please! I want to know! I heard so much stuffs but I gotta confirm!" Taehyun insisted.

Beomgyu opens his eyes and saw Taehyun smiling at him like a kid with his dimple showing off. He finds it cute so he kissed his lips and takes a seat. "Listen well, okay?"

Beomgyu started telling everything he knows about what happened and Taehyun's just nodding at him, listening carefully as if he's taking down notes in his mind and formulating some shits that he can only understand.

"Now that's interesting," Taehyun nods and smirks.

"What are you thinking now, huh?" Beomgyu pinched the younger's nose and chuckles.

"Congratulations! You're finally on the move!" Taehyun chuckles.

"It means I'll stop fucking you now."

"O-oh..." Taehyun's smiles fades out when he heard Beomgyu say that. "F-for real?"

"Bae, it's not appropriate to do it anymore," Beomgyu explained.

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